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C19.SE - Coronavirus i Sverige
Sverige Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Grafer, kartor, diagram och statistik c19
Se Coronavirus spridning på varje kommun och region i Ålder och Kön. Uppdateras löpande. Kartor, siffor, diagram och grafer över Coronavirus i hela Sverige. Sjukdomsfall Intensivvårdsavdelning Dödsfall Friska Sjukhus c19
Lägesbild covid-19 i Skåne: Fördjupad lägesbild
Situation reports provide the latest updates on the COVID-19 outbreak. These include updated numbers of infected people and location, and actions that WHO and countries are taking to respond to the outbreak.
The Analysis of Sensations, Ernst Mach
Full text of "The Physical Dimensions Of Consciousness"
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Hayek in Mind: Hayek's Philosophical Psychology - Google Books
Navidad en los Andes - Ciro Alegría - AlbaLearning Audiolibros y Libros Gratis
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Cooling News | Reports on cooling events and the collapse of CAGW, the human catastrophic global warming scam.
Fear, rage, panic, maternal care, vigilance, seeking, play, and mating are hard-wired brain instincts.
Consciousness on-off switch discovered deep in brain | New Scientist
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Meaning on the Brain: How Your Mind Organizes Reality - Scientific American Blog Network
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Antal fall av Covid-19 — Folkhälsomyndigheten
Senaste uppdateringarna om utbrottet av coronavirussjukdom (covid-19). Folkhälsomyndighetens utbrottssida uppdateras dagligen med antalet fall kl. 14:00 eller när statistiken är sammanställd. Frågor och svar om det nya coronaviruset.
Imperativism: The Big Picture – The Brains Blog
A higher-order theory of emotional consciousness | PNAS
Mauro Scocco - Sex Fot Under
Moritz Schlick’s epistemology - Sök på Google
7 Powerful Book Layout Design Rules for Nonfiction Titles
Book layout design is a key element in the visual appeal of nonfiction books. Unlike works of fiction, where endless streams of similarly laid out...
Coronavirus Update (Live): 20,553,328 Cases and 746,652 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Live statistics and coronavirus news tracking the number of confirmed cases, recovered patients, tests, and death toll due to the COVID-19 coronavirus from Wuhan, China. Coronavirus counter with new cases, deaths, and number of tests per 1 Million population. Historical data and info. Daily charts, graphs, news and updates
Crank Removal and Installation - Self Extracting - YouTube
How to remove and install a self extracting crank on a bike. Questions or comments? Leave them below! See all our Crank & Pedal videos in our Crank & Pedal p...


Prof. Vincent Courtillot: Der „Fußabdruck" der Sonne in der jüngeren Klimageschichte - YouTube
Michael Mann's hockey stick graph analysis!
christy Climate Change Claims to the Test - The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF)
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James Hansen: We Have a Little More Time After All (Whew!) - Master Resource
February « 2018 « Roy Spencer, PhD
It Sounds Crazy, But Fukushima, Chernobyl, And Three Mile Island Show Why Nuclear Is Inherently Safe
Christian Azar om IPCC:s specialrapport Klimatförändringar och marken - YouTube
Christian Azar, Om vad vi vet (och inte vet) om klimatet - Solcellskollen
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CO2 Coalition | Learn the facts about the vital role that CO2 plays in our environment
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Global Warming Science - 3.1.1 - Overview of Climate Forcings and Feedbacks - YouTube
Critique of the article by Morgan Finnsiö, titled “Nej, svenskar riskerar inte att bli i minoritet”, published by Expo, 2019-06-19, - Oberoende Förnuft
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Why climate change is good for the world | The Spectator
Global Warming: New Study Says Models Exaggerate Warming By Up To 45%
Kommuninvest sätter stopp för nya lån för Region Jämtland Härjedalen | SVT Nyheter
Asymmetri i solens upp och nedgång | SMHI
Elstatistik för 2019:
Myndighetsbonanza | Rebecca Weidmo Uvell
40 harmful effects of Christianity. | JT Eberhard
Tidslinje – så spreds corona i Sverige: ”Prestige är en av våra dödliga synder” - Nyheter Idag
Why herd immunity to COVID-19 is reached much earlier than thought #coronavirus | Watts Up With That?
April var den dödligaste månaden i Sverige på över 20 år
I april dog det fler människor i Sverige än under någon annan månad på 2000-talet, visar SCB:s preliminära statistik. Därefter har antalet dödsfall och den så kallade överdödligheten sjunkit.
Joacim Rocklöv säger att det finns risker med Anders Tegnells bedömning - DN.SE
Epidemiologen Joacim Rocklöv anser att det finns risker med statsepidemiolog Anders Tegnells och Folkhälsomyndighetens fokus på Italien.
How the “Greenhouse” Effect Works – A Guest Post and Discussion weinstein
Here is an article from Leonard Weinstein. (It has also been posted in slightly different form at The Air Vent). Readers who have been around for a while will remember the interesting discussion Convection, Venus, Thought Experiments and Tall Rooms Full of Gas – A Discussion in which myself, Arthur Smith and Leonard all put forward a point…
The R. W. Wood Experiment | Watts Up With That?
Undeniable Truths | Watts Up With That?
Läs om uppgörelsen mellan Socialdemokraterna och islamister som står Muslimska brödraskapet nära – en organisation som MSB just släppt en rapport om. Uppgörelsen gav S röster och islamisterna makt – och skedde bakom ryggen på vanliga muslimer och övriga svenska medborgare | Jan Hägglund – Vi här nere och dom där uppe
Misstagen - därför dör vi - ProjektSanning
"från nordiska motståndsrörelsen till alternativhögern" - Sök på Google
Corona: Folkhälsomyndigheten avfärdade MSB:s coronascenario | Aftonbladet
MSB tog tidigt fram ett krisscenario för ökad spridning av corona, stängda gränser och oro på de globala marknaderna. Då varnade Folkhälsomyndigheten för att okunniga myndigheter tog fram felaktiga scenarier. – Deras svar försvårade för oss, säger Alexandra Nordlander, enhetschef på operativ analys på MSB.
The Climate of Scott Adams | Watts Up With That?
Gästskribent THOMAS HEDNER: Den tjocka svansen – DET GODA SAMHÄLLET
Den 26 januari publicerade Nicholas Taleb och hans medarbetare Joseph Norman och Yaneer Bar-Yam en artikel om spridningen av det nyupptäckta coronaviruset. Artikeln, en sida text och fem referenser, hade titeln ” Systemic Risk of Pandemic via Novel Pathogens – Coronavirus: A Note”. Publikationsdatum var 26 januari 2020, och man kan anta att författarna skrev…
(S)-uppgörelsen med muslimerna.
”Vi räknar döda av och inte med covid-19” - Dagens Medicin
Jag har jobbat med covid-19 sedan pandemin bröt ut, och min erfarenhet är att det sällan är tu tal om att det är infektionen som orsakar döden, skriver läkaren Benjamin Kalischer Wellander.
Noam Chomsky: The five filters of the mass media
Sea surface skin temperature | Watts Up With That?
De flummiga idealisterna håller på att sänka Sverige
Det är ingen slump att denna regering visat sig totalt handfallen i krissituationer, skriver Mark Brolin.
European power grid disturbance has German energy intensive industry worried | Clean Energy Wire
News - Study suggests no more CO2 warming | Heartland Institute
The Problem with Climate Models – Watts Up With That?

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Jenny Piper – Politik, nyheter och samhällsdebatt blandat med personliga krönikor.
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Kontrollrummet | Svenska kraftnät
Börsen idag - se dagens börsutveckling i Sverige, Europa & USA! | Avanza
Ericson i Ubbhult
Rebecca Weidmo Uvell
Frihetsportalen | Frihet, i stort och smått
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Skånsk by blir först med mikronät | Ny Teknik
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Tidningen Svegot – Nyheter – Fördjupning – Opinion – EU news and policy debates across languages
Petterssons gör Sverige lagom! | "Envar har rätt till åsiktsfrihet och yttrandefrihet. Denna rätt innefattar frihet för envar att utan ingripanden hysa åsikter och frihet att söka, mottaga och sprida upplysningar och tankar genom varje slags uttrycksmedel och utan hänsyn till gränser." – FN:s deklaration om de mänskliga rättigheterna, artikel 19
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The Climate Scam - För dig som hellre tänker själv. Klimathotet, global warming, global uppvärmning, klimatförändringar.
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Fairbanks AP | Alaska Climate Research Center
Most of the Recent Warming Could be Natural - Jennifer Marohasy
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Acronym index « RealClimate
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Venusian Mysteries | The Science of Doom
CO2: Ice Cores vs. Plant Stomata | Debunk House
On Climate Sensitivity and why it is probably small | ScienceBits
Greenhouse Effect: Does Water Vapor Increase or Decrease the Lapse Rate? | Principia Scientific International
Vad du inte visste om KLIMATHOTET
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Brains as Analog Computers. Brains might compute, but not… | by Corey J. Maley | The Spike | Medium
Here’s a good question: Is the brain a computer? One thing that makes this a good question is that it invites many further questions. Some people have taken the idea to be metaphorical: the brain is…
Frontiers | Brain basis of self: self-organization and lessons from dreaming | Psychology
Through dreaming, a different facet of the self is created as a result of a self-organizing process in the brain. Self-organization in biological systems often happens as an answer to an environmental change for which the existing system cannot cope; self-organization creates a system that can cope in the newly changed environment. In dreaming, self-organization serves the function of organizing disparate memories into a dream since the dreamer herself is not able to control how individual memories become weaved into a dream. The self-organized dream provides, thereby, a wide repertoire of experiences; this expanded repertoire of experience results in an expansion of the self beyond that obtainable when awake. Since expression of the self is associated with activity in specific areas of the brain, the article also discusses the brain basis of the self by reviewing studies of brain injured patients, discussing brain imaging studies in normal brain functioning when focused, when daydreaming and when asleep and dreaming.
Elegant Chaos: Algebraically Simple Chaotic Flows - Julien C. Sprott - Google Böcker
1. Fundamentals. 1.1. Dynamical systems. 1.2. State space. 1.3. Dissipation. 1.4. Limit cycles. 1.5. Chaos and strange attractors. 1.6. Poincaré sections and fractals. 1.7. Conservative chaos. 1.8. Two-toruses and quasiperiodicity. 1.9. Largest Lyapunov exponent. 1.10. Lyapunov exponent spectrum. 1.11. Attractor dimension. 1.12. Chaotic transients. 1.13. Intermittency. 1.14. Basins of attraction. 1.15. Numerical methods. 1.16. Elegance -- 2. Periodically forced systems. 2.1. Van der Pol oscillator. 2.2. Rayleigh oscillator. 2.3. Rayleigh oscillator variant. 2.4. Duffing oscillator. 2.5. Quadratic oscillators. 2.6. Piecewise-linear oscillators. 2.7. Signum oscillators. 2.8. Exponential oscillators. 2.9. Other undamped oscillators. 2.10. Velocity forced oscillators. 2.11. Parametric oscillators. 2.12. Complex oscillators -- 3. Autonomous dissipative systems. 3.1. Lorenz system. 3.2. Diffusionless Lorenz system. 3.3. Rs̈sler system. 3.4. Other quadratic systems. 3.5. Jerk systems. 3.6. Circulant systems. 3.7. Other systems -- 4. Autonomous Conservative Systems. 4.1. Nosé-Hoover oscillator. 4.2. Nosé-Hoover variants. 4.3. Jerk systems. 4.4. Circulant systems -- 5. Low-dimension systems (D3). 5.1. Dixon system. 5.2. Dixon variants. 5.3. Logarithmic case. 5.4. Other cases -- 6. High-dimensional systems (D3). 6.1. Periodically forced systems. 6.2. Master-slave oscillators. 6.3. Mutually coupled nonlinear oscillators. 6.4. Hamiltonian systems. 6.5. Anti-Newtonian systems. 6.6. Hyperjerk systems. 6.7. Hyperchaotic systems. 6.8. Autonomous complex systems. 6.9. Lotka-Volterra systems. 6.10. Artificial neural networks -- 7. Circulant systems. 7.1. Lorenz-Emanuel system. 7.2. Lotka-Volterra systems. 7.3. Antisymmetric quadratic system. 7.4. Quadratic ring system. 7.5. Cubic ring system. 7.6. Hyperlabyrinth system. 7.7. Circulant neural networks. 7.8. Hyperviscous ring. 7.9. Rings of oscillators. 7.10. Star systems -- 8. Spatiotemporal systems. 8.1. Numerical methods. 8.2. Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. 8.3. Kuramoto-Sivashinsky variants. 8.4. Chaotic traveling waves. 8.5. Continuum ring systems. 8.6. Traveling wave variants -- 9. Time-delay systems. 9.1. Delay differential equations. 9.2. Mackey-Glass equation. 9.3. Ikeda DDE. 9.4. Sinusoidal DDE. 9.5. Polynomial DDE. 9.6. Sigmoidal DDE. 9.7. Signum DDE. 9.8. Piecewise-linear DDEs. 9.9. Asymmetric logistic DDE with continuous delay -- 10. Chaotic electrical circuits. 10.1. Circuit elegance. 10.2. Forced relaxation oscillator. 10.3. Autonomous relaxation oscillator. 10.4. Coupled relaxation oscillators. 10.5. Forced diode resonator. 10.6. Saturating inductor circuit. 10.7. Forced piecewise-linear circuit. 10.8. Chua's circuit. 10.9. Nishio's circuit. 10.10. Wien-bridge oscillator. 10.11. Jerk circuits. 10.12. Master-slave oscillator. 10.13. Ring of oscillators. 10.14. Delay-line oscillator
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The Problem of Perception & Intentionality (John Searle) - YouTube
Unity of Reality - new realism. Prof. John Searle - YouTube
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Giulio Tononi: 2011 Allen Institute for Brain Science Symposium - YouTube
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Antonio Damasio: The quest to understand consciousness - YouTube
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Putting the 'con' in consensus; Not only is there no 97 per cent consensus among climate scientists, many misunderstand core issues | Fraser Institute
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Your brain does not process information and it is not a computer | Aeon Essays
Why Minds Are Not Like Computers - The New Atlantis
What Is It Like to Know? - The New Atlantis
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Carlin Economics and Science » Second Edition of Pathbreaking Research Report Shows the Orwellian Nature of the “March for Science”
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Human CO2 Emissions Have Little Effect on Atmospheric CO2 -
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Gray's biopsychological theory of personality - Wikipedia
Concepts as Semantic Pointers: A Framework and Computational Model - Blouw - 2016 - Cognitive Science - Wiley Online Library
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How to Remove Vocals from Any Song to Make a Karaoke or Instrumental Track « Recording & Production :: WonderHowTo
Finding an instrumental or karaoke version of a song can be pretty easy, unless you're dealing with a song that isn't popular. That leaves you with just the full version of the song, complete with vocals. So how do you convert it into an instrumental or karaoke version? There is no way to 100% remove the vocals from a song. Accompaniment tracks are made in the studio, and our often referred to as minus one tracks because they are missing one track (in this case, the vocal track). The only way you would be able to remove the vocal track from the song entirely is if you have a multitrack
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Posts about Muslim average IQ written by Dr. Eowyn
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IQ by Country. Find more related info or create your own map in
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Why Depression Symptoms Are More Common in Introverts – Learning Mind
Depression symptoms can affect anyone at any time, but these generally affect people in times of professional setbacks and personal life ordeals.
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Skeptic » Reading Room » I am Not Living in a Computer Simulation, and Neither Are You
Peter Kassan examines the idea that we are all just computer simulations living in a computer simulation.
Reflex and Voluntary action | Passnownow
A reflex action is an involuntary or automatic action in response to impulses initiated by a stimulus. A reflex is something that your body does natural.
Brian Cantwell Smith The philosophy of computation meaning, mechanism, mystery - YouTube
Quem é Brian Cantwell Smith? O video original foi gravado por Alexandre Monnin, que é um estudioso da filos...
The Rutherford Journal - The New Zealand Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
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1x08 — Kyle Geske — On Computable Numbers - YouTube
[Abstract] The "computable" numbers may be described briefly as the real numbers whose expressions as a decimal are calculable by finite means. Although the ...
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There Is No Now - The Nature of Reality — The Nature of Reality | PBS
Excerpted with permission from The Island of Knowledge: The Limits of Science and the Search for Meaning by Marcelo Gleiser. Available from Basic Books, a member... Read Full Post
"Space is 4D" -- Theory Claims that Time is Not the 4th Dimension - The Daily Galaxy --Great Discoveries Channel
Einstein never interpreted time "t" as a fourth dimension of space. Space is not 3D + T, space is 4D. With clocks we measure numerical order of material change. This numerical order is the only time that exists in a...
This amazing illusion is so strong that even when we are aware that we are looking at the concave, reverse side of the mask we cannot stop ourselves perceivi...
The Inconcievability of Zombies – Richard Brown
There has been a surprising amount of talk about zombies recently around the blogosphere. Here I thought the zombie issue was settled back in the '90's; but I suppose that's what I get for forgetting that there aren't any solved problems in philosophy, and it is in the nature of zombies to come back from…
Lecture 7: Information Processing in the Brain - YouTube
I do not own any of these images. This video is intended as an introduction to the thought of Martin Heidegger. It is not intended as a comprehensive or defi...
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The marlin spike hitch takes you right into 4 other useful knots. The noose knot, oysterman's stopper knot, bowline, and twin bowline bend. Check out my shop...
The Search for Basic Emotions
What are the basic emotions? There are many lists of emotions. Emotions and feelings are words that are difficult to tell apart.
Earth climate identification vs. anthropic global warming attribution - ScienceDirect
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Computation in Physical Systems (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
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This volume explores the essential issues involved in bringing phenomenology together with the cognitive sciences, and provides some examples of research located at the intersection of these disciplines. The topics addressed here cover a lot of ground, including questions about naturalizing phenomenology, the precise methods of phenomenology and how they can be used in the empirical cognitive sciences, specific analyses of perception, attention, emotion, imagination, embodied movement, action and agency, representation and cognition, inters- jectivity, language and metaphor. In addition there are chapters that focus on empirical experiments involving psychophysics, perception, and neuro- and psychopathologies. The idea that phenomenology, understood as a philosophical approach taken by thinkers like Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, and others, can offer a positive contribution to the cognitive sciences is a relatively recent idea. Prior to the 1990s, phenomenology was employed in a critique of the first wave of cognitivist and computational approaches to the mind (see Dreyfus 1972). What some consider a second wave in cognitive science, with emphasis on connectionism and neuros- ence, opened up possibilities for phenomenological intervention in a more positive way, resulting in proposals like neurophenomenology (Varela 1996). Thus, bra- imaging technologies can turn to phenomenological insights to guide experimen- tion (see, e. g. , Jack and Roepstorff 2003; Gallagher and Zahavi 2008).
observer relativity
This volume offers a look at the fundamental issues of present and future AI, especially from cognitive science, computer science, neuroscience and philosophy. This work examines the conditions for artificial intelligence, how these relate to the conditions for intelligence in humans and other natural agents, as well as ethical and societal problems that artificial intelligence raises or will raise. The key issues this volume investigates include the relation of AI and cognitive science, ethics of AI and robotics, brain emulation and simulation, hybrid systems and cyborgs, intelligence and intelligence testing, interactive systems, multi-agent systems, and super intelligence. Based on the 2nd conference on “Theory and Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence” held in Oxford, the volume includes prominent researchers within the field from around the world.
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Neural Computation and the Computational Theory of Cognition - Piccinini - 2012 - Cognitive Science - Wiley Online Library
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The Neurocritic: Mirror Neuron Death March
Entropy | Free Full-Text | Model-Based Approaches to Active Perception and Control | HTML
There is an on-going debate in cognitive (neuro) science and philosophy between classical cognitive theory and embodied, embedded, extended, and enactive (“4-Es”) views of cognition—a family of theories that emphasize the role of the body in cognition and the importance of brain-body-environment interaction over and above internal representation. This debate touches foundational issues, such as whether the brain internally represents the external environment, and “infers” or “computes” something. Here we focus on two (4-Es-based) criticisms to traditional cognitive theories—to the notions of passive perception and of serial information processing—and discuss alternative ways to address them, by appealing to frameworks that use, or do not use, notions of internal modelling and inference. Our analysis illustrates that: an explicitly inferential framework can capture some key aspects of embodied and enactive theories of cognition; some claims of computational and dynamical theories can be reconciled rather than seen as alternative explanations of cognitive phenomena; and some aspects of cognitive processing (e.g., detached cognitive operations, such as planning and imagination) that are sometimes puzzling to explain from enactive and non-representational perspectives can, instead, be captured nicely from the perspective that internal generative models and predictive processing mediate adaptive control loops.
Notes from Two Scientific Psychologists: The Ecological Approach, Explained to an 8 Year Old
Lee Smolin
Is mathematics an effective way to describe the world?
Mathematics has been called the language of the universe. Scientists and engineers often speak of the elegance of mathematics when describing physical reality, citing examples such as π, E=mc2, and even something as simple ...
Intelligence and the Brain | Headbirths
Talk originally presented on 8 March 2013. Notes of an extended version of the talk are given below.   Contents Introduction [extended] Context: Dualism and Physicalism [extra] Context: Free Will / Demarcation between Agent and Environment [extra] What is Intelligence? A Theory of Multiple Intelligences The Triune Brain The Subsumption Architecture The Extended Mind Thesis Intelligence…
The anticipating brain is not a scientist: the free-energy principle from an ecological-enactive perspective | SpringerLink
Boundless Psychology | Simple Book Publishing
Zaponlack används som klarlack på metall.
Zaponlack används till silver, stål, järn, brons, koppar, tenn, mässing och andra metaller. Klarlack som förhindrar oxidation och korrosion.
Svenska satsdelar – enkelt och lättförståeligt! |
Lär dig satsdelarna på ett enkelt och snabbt sätt. Bra förklaringar och många exempel som klargör våra svenska satsdelar.
Emotion: The Self-regulatory Sense
(PP 1.S) Measure theory: Summary - YouTube
Definition of a sigma-algebra. A playlist of the Probability Primer series is available here: You ca...
Lecture by Katherine Peil Kauffman: Emotion: A Self-Regulatory Sense - YouTube
Speaker: Katherine Peil Kauffman Founding Director of EFS International
Cataloging a year of blogging: complexity in evolution, general models, and philosophy | Theory, Evolution, and Games Group
Last month, with just hours to spare in January, I shared a linkdex of the 14 cancer-related posts from TheEGG in 2016. Now, as February runs out, it's time to reflect on the 15 non cancer-specific posts from last year. Although, as we'll see, some of them are still related to mathematical oncology. With a…
Trading Signals
Conceptual Vs. Procedural Knowledge - Teaching Math Literacy
STILL NOT DEAD CHORDS by Willie Nelson @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com
This specific tab is based off the studio recorded version (
Willie Nelson - Still Not Dead - YouTube
An Anatomically Constrained Model for Path Integration in the Bee Brain: Current Biology
Israel Ramirez's answer to Is it true that only 70 genes have undergone race specific natural selection? - Quora
Surprise! Study Shows Islamic Terrorism is Islamic
Although the internet evidently did play a role in the radicalization process, the study showed that face-to-face encounters were more important, and that dawa, the proselytizing of Islam, played a central role in this process, as the men themselves
No Special Greenhouse Gas Effect on Earth, Venus or Mars | Principia Scientific International
Artemis Project: Surface Temperature of the Moon and Mars
Cold Facts on Global Warming
venus | Search Results | Clive Best
Test av värmeljus | Rolerix
Jag har testat några olika sorters värmeljus för att jämföra effekt, värmekostnader och  brinntider. Testerna utfördes med en värmeljuskamin med sju st värmeljus.  En halv liter vatten värmdes från 20 till 80 °C i en kastrull med lock och tiden mättes.  Vid varje test  gjordes minst fem mätperioder och den genomsnittliga tiden för de fem första beräknades. Ljusen vägdes…
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Atmosfärens tjocklek gör planeten beboelig | KLIMATSANS
Statsbudgetens saldo - Ekonomifakta
Från 1970 och fram till slutet av 1990-talet hade Sverige oftast negativa budgetsaldon, vilket innebar att staten hade ett lånebehov. De senaste 20 åren har dock positiva budgetsaldon varit relativt vanliga, vilket har gett staten möjlighet att amortera på statsskulden.
IEA finds CO2 emissions flat for third straight year even as global economy grew
schopenhauer | Search Results | Reason and Meaning
Antarctic Ice Reveals Earth’s Accelerating Plant Growth - The New York Times
Scientists compiling a record of the atmosphere based on air trapped in Antarctic ice found that rising carbon dioxide has accelerated plant growth.,%202010,%20Science.pdf
The big slide in renewable energy tells the real story | Watts Up With That?
No, renewables are not taking over the world anytime soon. Guest essay by Bjørn Lomborg We have spent the last two centuries getting off renewables because they were mostly weak, costly and unreliable. Half a century ago, in 1966, the world got 15.6% of its energy from renewables. Today (2016) we still get less of our…
A DIY Free Pendulum, Hipp Toggle master clock.
Facit ordklasserna | Svensk grammatik - testa dig!
Gör denna test på ordklasserna och se hur mycket du kan. Enkelt och tydlig test med facit så att du ser vilken ordklass du behöver träna mer på.
Whipped Cream Structure | Food Science
Den blomstertid nu kommer: text, ackord, sommarvisa | Poplå
Den blomstertid nu kommer med text och ackord. Den blomstertid nu kommer är en svensk sommarvisa som varje år sjungs på skolavslutningar i hela Sverige.
equilibrium climate sensitivity-estimates-2017
Dubbdäck till cykel - Billiga dubbdäck på nätet - Cykelkraft - 622-30
Köp dina dubbdäck till din cykel hos till oslagbara priser och snabba leveranser. Stort utbud av dubbdäck från bl.a. Suomi Tyres och Schwalbe.
"How Do you Feel?" with Dr. Bud Craig — Brain Science Podcast
BSP 121 is an interview with AD (Bud) Craig, author of How Do You Feel?: An Interoceptive Moment with Your Neurobiological Self. Even though his book is quite technical he does a great job of describing his discoveries in a way that is accessible for listeners of all backgrounds.
Darwin, C. R. 1872. The expression of the emotions in man and animals. London: John Murray. First edition.
Köp Dubbdäck Suomi Tyres Skinny Freddie W104 30-622 - 399:-
Suomi Tyres Skinny Freddie W104 är ett par dubbdäck med vinterspecifik gummiblandning och 104 tåliga aluminiumdubbar med vass metalkärna som ger dig riktigt bra grepp på både snö och is. Finländarna har
PATALATEN CHORDS by Ola Magnell @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com
Ola Magnell Påtalåten Website: Chords used: G |320033 Am7 |x02010 D7sus|xx0213 C |x32010 D |xx0232 I
The Wason Selection Task 1
An interactive treatment of the Wason Selection Task.
GPS Visualizer: Map a GPS data file with Google Earth (KML)
GPS Visualizer can create Google Earth KML files from GPS data files (tracklogs & waypoints), street addresses, or simple coordinates.
margin « Gnuplotting
Schopenhauer's On the Suffering of the World
Gäst: Lennart Bengtsson - Väder, klimat och jordens temperatur - YouTube
Här samtalar Patrik Engellau och journalisten, författaren, låtskrivaren med mera Jens Ganman om svensk journalistik. Hur ser journalisterna sig själva och h...
Turing letter to W. Ross Ashby
Turing letter to W. Ross Ashby.
Fatally flawed paper: trees are proxies for the jet stream – and they say ‘now we have more extreme weather’ | Watts Up With That?
From the UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA and the learn Liebigs Law before you make unsupportable claims department, comes this laughable paper that was conceived by the author, Valerie Trouet, at her parents house while reading the weather section of the newspaper. The headline of the press release says it all; alarmists trying once again to make a case…
Free Online Guitar Tuner - TrueFire
Free online guitar tuner for guitar players. Tune your guitar online using your computer speakers and microphone.
Secure Salted Password Hashing - How to do it Properly
How to hash passwords properly using salt. Why hashes should be salted and how to use salt correctly.
(22) Bertrand Russell and the Newman Problem | Marc Champagne -
Philosophical History and the Problem of Consciousness // Reviews // Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews // University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews is an electronic, peer-reviewed journal that publishes timely reviews of scholarly philosophy books.
The hard problem of consciousness is a distraction from the real one | Aeon Essays
It looks like scientists and philosophers might have made consciousness far more mysterious than it needs to be
Arto Annila
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Lär dig ordklasserna på ett enkelt och snabbt sätt. Bra förklaringar och många exempel som klargör våra svenska ordklasser.
Sex differences in human brain structure are already apparent at one month of age – Research Digest
Pretending these early sex differences in the brain don't exist will not help us make society fairer. By Alex Fradera | Saucony Ride 10 Shoes | Dämpade löparskor
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DKs Patreon: SWISHA på 0768943737. Bitcoin: 3EPQMEMVh6MtG3bTbGc71Yz8NrMAMF4kSH Vi fortsätter traggla oss igenom Jens Ganmans text om Public...
Use Stochastic as Part of Your Technical… | Stock Market Strategy
The Stochastic is a momentum indicator showing how strong/weak the current close is compared to the previous high/low. Videos & Charts show examples.
Annorlunda cykelsemester på Österlen | Kristinas matblogg
Min annorlunda cykelsemester på Österlen, läs vad jag hittade på!
Uppfödning av de iberiska svinen
Home Climate Analysis: Extreme Greenhouse
Fyra enkla steg för en perfekt fickparkering – varje gång - auto motor & sport
Fyrstegsmetoden är mycket enkel att lära sig. Sen kommer du att fickparkera snyggt, snabbt och säkert. Utan att skrapa fälgarna!
Antonio Damasio: The quest to understand consciousness | TED Talk
Every morning we wake up and regain consciousness -- that is a marvelous fact -- but what exactly is it that we regain? Neuroscientist Antonio Damasio uses this simple question to give us a glimpse into how our brains create our sense of self.
Jeff Hawkins: How brain science will change computing | TED Talk
Every morning we wake up and regain consciousness -- that is a marvelous fact -- but what exactly is it that we regain? Neuroscientist Antonio Damasio uses this simple question to give us a glimpse into how our brains create our sense of self.
Skånes kommunfåglar
Frontiers | Behavioral Priming 2.0: Enter a Dynamical Systems Perspective | Psychology
On a daily basis, people are exposed to numerous stimuli, ranging from colors and smells to sounds and words, that could potentially activate different cognitive constructs and influence their actions. This type of influence on human behavior is referred to as priming. Roughly two decades ago, behavioral priming was hailed as one of the core forces that shape automatic behavior. However, failures to replicate some of the representative findings in this domain soon followed, which posed the following question: “How robust are behavioral priming effects, and to what extent are they actually important in shaping people’s actions?” To shed a new light on this question, I revisit behavioral priming through the prism of a dynamical systems perspective (DSP). The DSP is a scientific paradigm that has been developed through a combined effort of many different academic disciplines, ranging from mathematics and physics to biology, economics, psychology, etc., and it deals with behavior of simple and complex systems over time. In the present paper, I use conceptual and methodological tools stemming from the DSP to propose circumstances under which behavioral priming effects are likely to occur. More precisely, I outline three possible types of the influence of priming on human behavior, to which I refer as emergence, readjustment, and attractor switch, and propose experimental designs to examine them. Finally, I discuss relevant implications for behavioral priming effects and their r...
Sweetest of all - Dr. Hook
Jerry Williams ”Man kommer ju aldrig lägga av att lira” | Proletären
Proletären träffar Jerry Williams och pratar rock n' roll, hockey och pionjärläger i ”östblocket”.
Publicitetsregler | Journalistförbundet
Henrik and Jacob Svensmark March 2018 Update - YouTube
William Stranger interview Dr. Stephen Porges. Dr. Stephen Porges - Neuroscientist at the University of North Carolina - Department of Psychiatry (UNC Chapel...
Climate Skeptics: Peter Ward’s Ozone Depletion Theory | Walter Hannah
CO2 Absorption Spectrum.
Rabett Run: Peter Ward Is Very Confused
Med full koll på åskans framfart - Kristianstadsbladet
Han är åskjägare med full koll på åskans framfart i Skåne. Genom hans supporttjänst finns möjlighet att få mejl och sms-varningar om kommande oväder. Föreningen startade Krister ”Krölle” Ekblad tillsammans med sin svåger som en väg ur sorgen efter att ha förlorat sin hustru i cancer.
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How to Write a Paper in a Weekend (By Prof. Pete Carr) - YouTube
In this video, Prof. Carr (faculty member at the University of Minnesota, Department of Chemistry) is explaining the Algorithm of writing a paper in a weekend.
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Prof Nir Shaviv - Where the IPCC has Gone Wrong - YouTube
(1) Manuel DeLanda - The Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. 2007 1/5 - YouTube Manuel DeLanda lecturing about the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. Public Open Video Lecture at European Graduate School EGS, Media and Com...
Giulio Tononi Is Consciousness Entirely Physical - YouTube
Bosse Parnevik utger sig för satt vara ordförande i Jerry Williams fanclub i Tidahôlm som firar 25-årsjubileum och ber Jerry sjunga deras specialtext på Houn...
what is computation
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Vandring till Treriksröset | Treriksrö
Här är berättelsen om när vi vandrade till Treriksröset från Kilpisjärvi.
Chronostasis - Wikipedia
(2) Muhammad Explains the Universe (Islam and Science, Part One) - YouTube
Just a video in which I seek to debunk the Quran's claim in 25.53 "And He it is Who has let flow forth the two large bodies of water, one sweet and palatable...
When Eruptions Don’t | Watts Up With That?
The Mechanisms of Human Cognition
Climate Change Debate – Politics, False Consensus, Questionable Science & Some Questions
(3) Jordan Peterson: The Video That Will Change Your Future - Powerful Motivational Speech 2018 - YouTube
Hur gör man äkta Franska croissanter och pain au chocolat. Sébastien Boudet från Petite France i Stockholm gör ett litet baklektion.
Putting the 'con' in consensus; Not only is there no 97 per cent consensus among climate scientists, many misunderstand core issues | Fraser Institute
In the lead-up to the Paris climate summit, massive activist pressure is on all governments, especially Canada’s, to fall in line with the global warming agenda and accept emission targets that could seriously harm our economy.
Good News! 99.989% of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Didn’t Melt! | Watts Up With That?
2E7EC1F400000578-0-By_continuing_to_star_at_the_scene_after_looking_at_the_false_co-a-7_1447680313578.jpg (JPEG Image, 634 × 419 pixels)
Ingenious: Philosopher Mazviita Chirimuuta Says Color Is an Interactive Property
When I asked Mazviita Chirimuuta why philosophers were so crazy about color, she smiled, as if she sensed my question had an implied…
Cup till dl – omvandlingstabell amerikanska mått | Hemmets
Hur många dl är en cup? Vad motsvarar 1 ounce i svenska mått? Och hur många grader Celsius är 250 Fahrenheit?
Haveriet – en bok om den humanitära stormaktens fall | Genusdebatten
Tanja Bergkvists Blog | Kamp mot fördumningsindustrin
Kamp mot fördumningsindustrin
BBC - Ethics - Euthanasia: Pro-euthanasia arguments
This page sets out the arguments in favour of allowing euthanasia in certain cases. Should we accept that euthanasia happens and try to regulate it safely? Do people have the right to arrange their own deaths?
Is this the recipe for home-made Nembutal you have all been looking for? If not, then here is MY own OPTIMAL alternative…please share :) – TROONATNOOR
  November 2016 update: Of all my pages, this is the one most visited.  I have been told that if you go on the dark web, using TOR, and onion browsers, you will quickly be able to find someone from Mexico or similar, who can supply you, very cheaply, with Nembutal they sourced from Veterinary sources.…
(3) Trade Like a Casino for Consistent Profits by Adam Khoo - YouTube
In the stock market, there are 'gamblers' and there are 'casinos'. Gamblers depend on luck to make money and would eventually lose it all, because the game i...
Utnämningsmakten i Sverige – Wikipedia
Narratologi – Wikipedia
Anna Funder stasiland - Sök på Google
Naturreservat Simrishamn
Lin - Handbok
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Carfentanil - Wikipedia
(3) How To Hang Wallpaper - DIY At Bunnings - YouTube
Wallpaper is an easy way to create a feature wall or transform a whole room. This video from Bunnings Warehouse will take you through the steps and equipment...
Mainstream Science on Intelligence – Wikipedia
Continental Ultra Sport II 700x23c svart - 139,00 : -
Köp Continental Ultra Sport II 700x23c svart - Ny förbättrad upplaga av det populära Ultra Sport däck från Continental ​Ultra Sport II har en gummiblandning med Silica, som ger ett mycket hållb
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Muskel-ledkänsel och balans - Proprioception - Människans nervsystem: Uppslagsverk
Människans nervsystem: Uppslagsverk
An Extensive List of Human Emotions and Their Meanings
When we are feeling something, we don't really stop to define that emotion or think about the exact emotion that we are experiencing. We just feel and go through it; may it be sadness, anger or happiness. As human beings, we experience a plethora of feelings and emotions in our lifetime that range over several forms and types. This article is an attempt to list down an extensive list of those emotions.
(3) Super Easy Paper Piping Bag for Chocolate Decorations - YouTube
In this tutorial I will show you how to make a piping bag with parchment paper. Very useful to make chocolate decorations or decorate your cakes. Recipe deta...
(3) VALENTINES DAY CLASSIC BUDAPEST ROLL, Valentine's Day ep 2 - YouTube
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(3) Easy homemade croissant recipe - YouTube
Rosie shows you how to make your own, very simple, piping bags. Perfect for piping small amounts of royal icing. For more cake and cookies decorating ideas s...
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Musings on Emotion, The Body, and Pain | EmbodyYourMind
Lista över mänskliga känslor
Complementary colours, after-images, retinal fatigue, colour mixing and contrast sensitivity: Physclips - Light
complementary colors, after-images, optical illusions, rhodopsin, retinal fatigue, color mixing, contrast sensitivity. Physics with animations and video film clips. Light, eometrical optics: the lens equation: object distance, image distance and focal length. Converging lenses, diverging lenses. Physclips provides multimedia education in introductory physics (mechanics) at different levels. Modules may be used by teachers, while students may use the whole package for self instruction or for reference.
Hans Joachim Schellnhuber’s dream of a world government and geocybernetic control. | The Art of the Hierophant
“While the borders of nation states have become almost irrelevant to global economic players (for instance) after the end of the Cold War, human and natural rights are still confined and dominated by thousands of frontiers. This situation can only be overcome by giving up a good deal of national sovereignty and establishing a true…
Sortition Ireland – Promoting Sortition as a political solution for Ireland
Firefox Cache View: View and Restore Firefox Cache/Temp Files – EaseUS
Cannot find your Firefox cache or browsing temporary files? Relax! This tutorial article will provide effective methods to help you view and restore Firefox cache and temp files by ease.
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Doubt and certainty in climate science
Kursplan för Dynamiska biologiska nätverk - Uppsala universitet
Index of /6.803/pdf
The Emotional Gatekeeper: A Computational Model of Attentional Selection and Suppression through the Pathway from the Amygdala to the Inhibitory Thalamic Reticular Nucleus
Author Summary Emotional experiences grab our attention. Information about the emotional significance of events helps individuals weigh opportunities and dangers to guide goal-directed behavior, but may also lead to irrational decisions when the stakes are perceived to be high. Which neural circuits underlie these contrasting outcomes? A recently discovered pathway links the amygdala—a key center of the emotional system—with the inhibitory thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) that filters information between the thalamus and cortex. We developed a neural network model—the Emotional Gatekeeper—that demonstrates how the newly discovered pathway from the amygdala to TRN highlights relevant information to help assess threats and opportunities. The model also shows how the amygdala-TRN pathway can lead normal individuals to discount neutral but useful information in highly charged emotional situations, and predicts that disruption of specific nodes in this circuit underlies distinct psychiatric disorders.
Your brain does not process information and it is not a computer | Aeon Essays
Your brain does not process information, retrieve knowledge or store memories. In short: your brain is not a computer
Why Minds Are Not Like Computers - The New Atlantis
Ari N. Schulman on fundamental confusion about artificial intelligence
What Is It Like to Know? - The New Atlantis
Ari N. Schulman on why we talk in circles about experience
What Is the Purpose of Emotion? | BQO
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the last of a three-part series on the Human Mind Conference, an “interdisciplinary event” held in Cambridge, England, in June 2017, “bringing together a wide range of experts from across the humanities and the cognitive sciences to discuss key aspects of mental life and exper
P′′ - Wikipedia
(3) The hardest problem on the hardest test - YouTube
A difficult geometry puzzle with an elegant solution. Practice more problem-solving at Solution to the puzzle mentioned at the end...
(3) The Brachistochrone, with Steven Strogatz - YouTube
Steven Strogatz and I talk about a famous historical math problem, a clever solution, and a modern twist. ------------------ 3blue1brown is a channel about a...
Lambda Calculus
Computability and lambda calculus
(3) How to Remove and Replace a key on Asus laptop keyboard | Repair Tutorial - YouTube
How to Remove and Replace a key on Asus laptop keyboard | Repair Tutorial How to remove and replace a single laptop keyboard key on an Asus Notebook K Series...
Turing Machines are Recurrent Neural Networks
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The Emptiness of Existence from The Philosophy Podcast on podbay
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Zero Hedge | On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
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The Shutdown Dissociation Scale (Shut-D)
Convection, Venus, Thought Experiments and Tall Rooms Full of Gas – A Discussion | The Science of Doom
During a discussion about Venus (Venusian Mysteries), Leonard Weinstein suggested a thought experiment that prompted a 2nd article of mine. Unfortunately, it really failed to address his point. In fact, it took me a long time to get to grips with Leonard's point and 500 comments in (!) I suggested that we write a joint article. I…
Conjoint activity of anterior insular and anterior cingulate cortex: awareness and response
(3) Gäst: Lars Åberg - Framtidsstaden Malmö - YouTube
Lördagsmorgon med SWEBBTV handlar denna vecka om den mörkläggning som pågått under mer än 30 år och som gäller allvarlig brottslighet hos vissa invandrargrup...
(3) Gäst: Mohamed Omar - Islam i Sverige - YouTube
Lördagsmorgon med SWEBBTV handlar denna vecka om den mörkläggning som pågått under mer än 30 år och som gäller allvarlig brottslighet hos vissa invandrargrup...
Under the Brain's Control | Healthy Sleep
Dr. Donald Pfaff - Sök på Google
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Specific dynamic action - Wikipedia
(3) Mark Steyn’s Stand Against Climate Alarmism: In-Depth with the Climate Crybully Conniption-Inducer - YouTube
Could information be the stuff of which everything is made? Information seems so abstract, not a substance or a thing, so how could it be the building blocks...
(3) Professor Richard Lindzen Climate Lecture 8th Oct 2018 - YouTube
Jättebra låt med en röst som låter som den ska låta
What Do Areas of the Brain Do? | Memory Foundation
Why is Sortition better than elections? – Sortition Ireland
Svensk Webbtelevision - YouTube
Detta är den första delen av Lördagsintervju 13 med Professor Paul Lillrank, om den hotfulla utvecklingen i Sverige samt en jämförelse med synen på massinvan...
Din kommun i siffror - Ekonomifakta
Nedan kan du välja en av Sveriges 290 kommuner. Du får då se en lista över olika nyckeltal samt placering jämfört med andra kommuner för respektive nyckeltal. Från listan kan du klicka dig vidare till ett diagram med historisk utveckling för ett enskilt nyckeltal.
Climate Model Upgraded: INMCM5 Under the Hood | Science Matters
2018 Update: Best Climate Model INMCM5 October 22, 2018 (follow link to latest info on INMCM5) A previous analysis Temperatures According to Climate Models showed that only one of 42 CMIP5 models was close to hindcasting past temperature fluctuations. That model was INMCM4, which also projected an unalarming 1.4C warming to the end of the century,…
”Varför ignoreras kunskapen om klimatkrisen?” | Energivärlden
- Grus & Guld - en tidning som ges ut av JAK Medlemsbank
"Är vi alla klimatförnekare?" Kunskapslunch med Martin Hultman - YouTube
Trots att konsekvenserna av koldioxidutsläppen från fossila bränslen har varit allmänt kända sedan 30 år tillbaka har utmaningen inte tagits på allvar. Hur k...
About us - Energy transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean
Thermal Energy in the Ocean - American Chemical Society
American Chemical Society: Chemistry for Life.
Energy content, the heat is on: atmosphere -vs- ocean | Watts Up With That?
Jeff wrote to me with this article which visually illustrates his point quite well. Dr. Roger Pielke Sr. has given his take on it here, saying: The post on The Air Vent is worth adding to the reasoning why we need to move away from the use of the global average surface temperature anomaly as…
Affes Statistik-blogg | Statistik, politisk satir och betraktelser
Statistik, politisk satir och betraktelser
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Learn Everything You Need To Know About The Psychedelic Ketamine
Our Essential Guide to Ketamine covers everything - from its use as a 'miracle treatment' for depression to its potential for spiritual growth.
Identitetspolitik: Allt du velat veta men inte vågat fråga om - Nyheter Idag
Primitive reflexes - Wikipedia
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Principles Of Gestalt Psychology (1935)"
Ring P1: Känslomässigt ljug om Afghanistan - YouTube
SR, Ring P1: Känslomässigt ljug om Afghanistan. Janne Josefsson (Fatemeh alla dör) Besök deras hemsida på https:/...
One Man's Discovery Sinks Major Climate Study - YouTube
Nicholas Lewis, who blogs at Climate Etc. ( questioned the data in a major study claiming oceans are warming much fast than previously though...
Friedrich Nietzsche and the Politics of Transfiguration - Tracy B. Strong - Google Böcker
Carl Goldberg - The "Logic" of Islam - YouTube
Carl Goldberg comments about Islam
Jordan B Peterson - YouTube
Support this channel at or Instead of emailing Dr. Peterson, please consider posting your letter...
ReligionForBreakfast - YouTube Religion for Breakfast believes everyone should know a little bit more about religion. It touches every aspect of human ...
Genetically Modified Skeptic - YouTube
Jordan Peterson’s craziest claim ever didn’t come from his talk with Cathy Newman, it wasn’t in his chat with Sam Harris about truth, and it wasn’t made in c...
Drug Experiences: Ketamine - Adventures in the K-Hole - YouTube
I'd find it hard to pick a favourite hallucinogenic type drug, but ketamine was never, ever mean to me - chilled out evening taking a space adventure on my M...
Why Smart People Believe Stupid Things (with Dr. Michael Shermer) - YouTube
Every day, we see intelligent people embracing unintelligent things. They're skeptical in some areas of their lives, gullible in others. They seem to shift f...
The truth about global warming - YouTube
For the New Criterion, Ben Weingarten, commentator and Founder & CEO of ChangeUp Media sits down with Mark Steyn, international bestselling author, political...
Tyreoiditer / Tyreotoxikos -
<p>Tyreotoxikos innebär förhöjd nivå av tyreoideahormon i blod. Det kan bero på antingen en ökat produktion av tyreoideahormon från sköldkörteln – hypertyreos, eller orsakas av ett ökat utflöde av hormon från tyreoidea på grund av destruktion av tyreoideaceller, så kallad tyreoidit.</p>
Sköldkörtelinflammation - 1177 Vårdguiden - sjukdomar, undersökningar, hitta vård, e-tjänster
Joseph LeDoux, Our emotional brains (2011 Copernicus Center Lecture) - YouTube
The third Copernicus Center Lecture - "Our Emotional Brains" - was delivered by Professor Joseph LeDoux, a famous neuroscientist. The 2011 Copernicus Center ...
Budgetlag (2011:203) Svensk författningssamling 2011:2011:203 t.o.m. SFS 2014:866 - Riksdagen
Riksdagen är den högsta beslutande församlingen i Sverige. Till riksdagens uppgifter hör att besluta om lagar och om statsbudgeten.
neurotypical nonsense | Asperger: The HypoSocial Human
Posts about neurotypical nonsense written by Gone Wild
psychology - Is Sandro Del-Prete's "Message d'Amour des Dauphins" a pervert test? - Skeptics Stack Exchange
What’s the Difference Between the “System32” and “SysWOW64” Folders in Windows?
On 64-bit versions of Windows, you have two separate Program Files folders. But it doesn’t end there. You also have two separate system directories where DLL libraries and executables are stored: System32 and SysWOW64. Despite the names, System32 is full of 64-bit files and SysWOW64 is full of 32-bit files. So what gives?
What is different between Windows 7 and Windows 10 FTP client? - Super User
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A Matter of Some Gravity | Watts Up With That?
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach A couple of apparently related theories have been making the rounds lately. One is by Nikolov and Zeller (N&Z), expounded here and replied to here on WUWT. The other is by Hans Jelbring, discussed at Tallblokes Talkshop. As I understand their theories, they say that the combination of gravity plus…
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hur man bytta insats blandare.mora. كيف نبدل القلب الداخلي للحنفية
Mora köksblandare اسهل طريقة صيانة حنفية مورا - YouTube
hur man bytta insats blandare.mora. كيف نبدل القلب الداخلي للحنفية
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Mora ventilhylsa och kolv
Mora ventilhylsa Övrig VVS - Jämför priser på PriceRunner
Vill du spara pengar? Jämför priser och läs recensioner på Övrig VVS. Vi hjälper dig att hitta rätt mora ventilhylsa Övrigt: VVS och göra ett billigt & tryggt köp ✓ Vårt köpskydd ger dig pengar tillbaka om något går fel. Välkommen till PriceRunner!
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Short Film - Graeme Obree, Athlete or Genius? - YouTube
Athlete or Genius? Graeme Obree shot to fame in the early 90s after twice breaking the world hour record on a bike he'd built using parts from an old washing...
Hardtalk Chris Boardman - YouTube
Athlete or Genius? Graeme Obree shot to fame in the early 90s after twice breaking the world hour record on a bike he'd built using parts from an old washing...
"IQ is largely a pseudoscientific swindle" by Nassim Nicholas Taleb - Rebutted! - YouTube
Athlete or Genius? Graeme Obree shot to fame in the early 90s after twice breaking the world hour record on a bike he'd built using parts from an old washing...
Här är självmord vanligast i Sverige - Barometern
Varje år tar ungefär 1 200 personer sina liv i Sverige – men det är stora skillnader från kommun till kommun. I de värst drabbade är självmord runt tio gånger vanligare än i de mest förskonade.
The AHA! Experience: Creativity Through Emergent Binding in Neural Networks - Thagard - 2011 - Cognitive Science - Wiley Online Library
Blinded by Scientism - Public Discourse
Hem » LibreOffice
Sjukvårdsprodukter - Sjukvårdsartiklar - Sjukvårdsutrustning – Sjukvårdsprodukter och Egenvårdsprodukter på nätet! Vår affärsidé är att sälja sjukvårdsartiklar och egenvårdsartiklar till lägre pris. - OPEL CORSA 2012 Bensin
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Hitta lokala företag, titta på kartor och hämta vägbeskrivningar i Google Maps.
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WinSCP is a free SFTP, SCP, Amazon S3, WebDAV, and FTP client for Windows.
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WinSCP is a free SFTP, SCP, Amazon S3, WebDAV, and FTP client for Windows.
Man kan inte äga varann (Björn Afzelius) Chords - Chordify
Chords for Man kan inte äga varann (Björn Afzelius). Play along with guitar, ukulele, or piano with interactive chords and diagrams. Includes transpose, capo hints, changing speed and much more.
Randal Koene - Sök på Google
brain copying loosely coupled off-loading - Sök på Google
Jordan Peterson's Truth - Debunked - YouTube
This is Jordan Peterson’s Truth – Debunked (the first in my series debunking Jordan Peterson’s religious beliefs). To support me on Patreon (thank you): http...
Neurovetenskap. Centrala teman med relevans för f kognitionsvetenskap - PDF
Neurovetenskap Centrala teman med relevans för f kognitionsvetenskap Hjärnans evolution Hjärnstammen Mellanhjärnan Limbiska systemet Stora hjärnan (Cerebrum) Lilla hjärnan (Cerebellum) Cortex? Hjärnans
Kapitel 1 Om affekter, emotioner och känslor - PDF
Kapitel 1 Om affekter, emotioner och känslor 1 Emotioner en viktig del i våra upplevelser De finns alltid närvarande i våra liv de färgar och skapar mening i vår tillvaro och våra relationer. Ibland är
The Sensory Order | ThinkMarkets
by Roger Koppl Over at Marginal Revolution, Tyler Cowen recently said The Sensory Order is “Hayek's most overrated book.”  In part he was complaining that “many call it his most underrated book.”  Unfortunately, he does not name names.  In any event, Tyler has other gripes including the mistaken suggestion that the science in it was not…
Emotional memory - Scholarpedia
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Auditory-somatosensory bimodal stimulation desynchronizes brain circuitry to reduce tinnitus in guinea pigs and humans | Science Translational Medicine
Så mycket växthusgaser släpper vi ut | SVT Nyheter
Hur många ton växthusgaser släpper svensken ut? Frågan är aktuell inför klimatmötet i Paris – men svaren varierar kraftigt, från 11 ton per person och år till nästan inga utsläpp alls.
Representational Qualia Theory | Allsop | Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research
Representational Qualia Theory
List of Motivations | The Evil Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Motivations, or motives, are one of the single most important aspects for a fictitious character or a fictional group. They not only describe what they seek to do, but also what those characters really are. Some villains remain flat and seek to carry out a single main motive, while others may...
MeWe - The Next-Gen Social Network
Brilliant features with no BS. No Ads. No Spyware. MeWe is the Next-Gen Social Network.
24 Intrinsic Motivation Examples in the Workplace, Sports, and the Classroom
Henrekson: Pedagogerna tiger ihjäl kritiken | Göteborgs-Posten - Ledare
Professor Magnus Henrekson, vd för Institutet för Näringslivsforskning, efterfrågar ett paradigmskifte för den svenska skolan. Nu är han aktuell som redaktör
Perception Perception is an active process of creating meaning by selecting, organizing, and interpreting people, objects, events, situations, and activities. - ppt video online download
Perception Perception is an active process of creating meaning by selecting, organizing, and interpreting people, objects, events, situations, and activities.
Sammanhanget viktigt för statistiken - Sveriges Radio-bloggen | Sveriges Radio
I två avsnitt nyligen har podcasten Mediepodden berättat olika siffror om Sveriges Radios räckvidd, både för kanaler och program. Dock blandas olika begrepp ...
Hitta :: Skanskavulkaner
Lönnebjär. Är den mest spektakulära vulkanresten med sina 40-50tals block med basalt många av dom riktigt stora. Har sin egen väg ända upp på toppen men lite svårparkerat och sista biten kräver någorlunda hög markfrigång på bilen om än inte nödvändigtvis i SUV-nivå. Från väg 23 precis efter Vättreryds gravfält om du åker från Höör mot Hässleholm...
Vulkaner :: Skanskavulkaner
Lönnebjär 56,006141N 13,697701ESpragebjär 55,998286N 13,687138E Bolmarehus 55,997787N 13,682259ETruedabacke 55,992551N 13,681573E Göbnehall 55.973968N 13.672474EEbbarp 55.991096N 13.673215EGunnarp 56.004965N 13.660082EHöjeböge 56.003950N 13.671358ELunden 55,99499N 13,71515EBallran 55,99203N 13,73714ESedebjär 55.987796N 13.726945ESt. Höjern...
Hayek in Mind: Hayek's Philosophical Psychology - Google Böcker
Hayek's philosophical psychology as set out in his The Sensory Order (1952) has, for the most part, been neglected. Despite being lauded by computer scientist grandee Frank Rosenblatt and by Nobel prize-winning biologist Gerald Edelman, cognitive scientists -- with a few exceptions -- have yet to discover Hayek's philosophical psychology. On the other hand, social theorists, Hayek's traditional disciplinary constituency, have only recently begun to take note and examine the importance of psychology in the complete Hayek corpus. This volume brings together for the first time state-of-the-art contributions from neuroscientists and philosophers of mind as well as economists and social theorists, all critically engaging in many aspects of Hayek's philosophical psychology.
Säg nej till grundlagsändringen | SvD
DEBATT. I en rapport som utvärderar 15 års medlemskap i EU konstaterar Studieförbundet Näringsliv och Samhälle (SNS) att den svenska grundlagen, regeringsformen, är missvisande när det gäller relationen till EU. Enligt regeringsformens EU-paragraf (RF 10:5) kan riksdagen överlåta beslutanderätt till EU under förutsättning att det ”inte rör principerna o...
Qualia Could Arise from Information Processing in Local Cortical Networks
Information and the Origin of Qualia
Batteri Philips ID 555, 3.7V, 500 mAh hos Batteriexperten.
Köp batteri till Philips ID 555, 3.7V, 500 mAh från Batteriexperten till bra pris. Alltid snabba leveranser och fri frakt på allt. Beställ ditt batteri till Philips ID 555, 3.7V, 500 mAh idag - billiga batterier på nätet!
Battery replacement for Forerunner 201 - Fixya
Battery replacement for Forerunner 201 How do you replace a battery on a Forerunner 201 and what kind of battery - Garmin Forerunner 201 GPS Receiver question
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Psyche's Palace: How the Brain Generates the Light of the Soul - David Aaron Holmes - Google Böcker
This pioneering theoretical model of consciousness deftly bridges the chasm between science and spirituality--with a bridge of literal and figurative Light. Conventional wisdom in neurobiology holds that the brain is nothing more than a complex biocomputer, whose neurons' sole purpose is to process and transmit information. Psyche's Palace proposes a new theory--that the brain creates this brilliant sound and light show directly upon the convoluted surfaces of the cerebral cortex. A filigree of sparkling pixels suspended in the crystal-clear fluid of the cerebral cortex forms the live and luminous theater in which the external world is continuously recreated. Everything you see and hear and feel must be sculpted directly from the bioluminescence of vast, oscillating networks of neurons. The brain is simply the material substrate that holds the exuberance in place. What if it actually is true--what the wise have always said--that YOU ARE the pure Light of consciousness that shines within?
Yes, the brain is a computer… – The Spike – Medium
Neuroscience is a funny discipline which can demand a level of interdisciplinary knowledge that is hard to achieve. At its heart, neuroscience is concerned with understanding the organ that is…
En guide till hur man läser Twitter – Webbevakningsbloggen
Rationality Rules - YouTube
This is Jordan Peterson’s Truth – Debunked (the first in my series debunking Jordan Peterson’s religious beliefs). To support me on Patreon (thank you): http...
Hemma hos POS | Den enda auktoriserade källan till P.O. Samuelssons tänkande och åsikter
Den enda auktoriserade källan till P.O. Samuelssons tänkande och åsikter
How Creativity in Humor, Art, and Science Works: Arthur Koestler’s Theory of Bisociation – Brain Pickings
"The discoveries of yesterday are the truisms of tomorrow, because we can add to our knowledge but cannot subtract from it."
The Act of Creation - Wikipedia
Ny politik: auktoritära och libertära värderingar | Magnus Hagevi
Medan vänster-högerskalan har beskrivits som gammal politik med ekonomisk fördelning i fokus – vem får vad, när och hur – har vad som kallats ny politik växt fram. I centrum står libertära och auktoritära värden som i mycket beaktar vem som får göra vad, när och hur. Redan på 1970-talet hävdade statsvetaren Ronald Inglehart att…
Anmälan av inslag om vindkraft i Aktuellt 2019-04-02 – Snurrigt
Adaptation of Damasio’s homeostatic nesting principle (Damasio 2003))... | Download Scientific Diagram
Download scientific diagram | Adaptation of Damasio’s homeostatic nesting principle (Damasio 2003)) and different types of maps/images/representations (triangle edges), according to Damasio’s theory of feeling representation. The ellipses indicate different levels of complexity of perception and behavior. Figure adapted from Ziemke and Lowe 2009.  from publication: The role of reinforcement in affective computation | In this paper we review the functional role that reinforcement plays in notions of affective computation and emotion. We consider three core components of emotional activity - emotion triggers, actions and action tendencies, and feeling states - and evaluate each component in... | Computation, Reinforcement Learning and Role | ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists.
Emotion in the Brain - Dr. Rick Hanson
Resources for Happiness, Love, and Wisdom
TIM_TSI_Reconstruction-1.png (PNG Image, 2700 × 1050 pixels) - Scaled (50%)
First digital animal will be perfect copy of real worm | New Scientist
Next year the world's first digital animal will be born inside a computer. Could its descendants be conscious?
Hösthallon |
Hos oss finner Du tips & skötselråd för att lyckas bättre med blommor & trädgård. Välkommen till Blomsterlandet!
Bodily maps of emotions
#62 Jack Werner – Jag har inte råd att hålla på och tramsa - YouTube
Tycker Jack Werner att alla människor ska få komma till tals? Och anser han verkligen att journalister kan vara helt objektiva? I veckans avsnitt ger Jack in...
Arrhenius Revisited | Digging in the Clay
Guest Post by Peter Morcombe Verity Jones kindly provided a soap box for me to compare the theories of Nikolov & Zeller to those of “Climate Scientists” exemplified by Scott Denning.  If N&Z are right the huge sums of money governments around the world are committing to “Mitigating” CO2 emissions can have no effect on…
solstrålning smhi
SMHI har nära homogena mätserier av globalstrålning sedan 1983. Sedan mitten av 1980-talet och fram till omkring 2005-2006 ökade den årliga globalstrålningen med nära 8 % i Sverige. Liknande tendens ser man i stora delar av Europa. Högtrycksblocke...
Jewish DNA - Genetic Research and The Origins of the Jewish People - YouTube
I | Mediemänniskan
Emergent processes in cognitive-emotional interactions
Riddare, vd och biodlare - Trelleborgs Allehanda
Efter 35 års arbete med internationell sjöfart har juristen Frans Malmros valt att trappa ner på Österlen. Familjen har slagit ned sina bopålar ett stenkast från Södra Mellby kyrka.
Jag har tröttnat på att betala för Lars Vilks polisskydd | SVT Nyheter
Täppas Fogelberg om Lars Vilks:
Alkoholpromille, beräkning - Netdoktor
Del 4 Hans Jensevik - Klarar vi samhällskontraktet? - YouTube
Sammanfattning: Politikernas hantering av energifrågan leder till elbrist och dramatiskt höjda priser på bränsle. Energi har blivit politikernas nya skatteba...
Light has no mass so it also has no energy according to Einstein, but how can sunlight warm the earth without energy? | Science Questions with Surprising Answers
Light indeed carries energy and accomplishes this without having any mass. The Einstein equation that you are probably referring to is E = mc2. Thi...
The Chinese Room Argument vs. the Brain Simulator Reply | Minds, Machines & Persons
John Searle, in "Minds, Brains, and Programs", defends the Chinese Room Argument against the concept of strong Artificial Intelligence. Strong AI claims that an appropriately programmed digital computer with the right inputs and outputs, and satisfies the Turing test, would necessarily have a mind. Searle makes the argument that this cannot be true because syntax…
Andel personer med utländsk bakgrund, 2018 jämfört med 2016
Kommuner med högst andel personer med utländsk bakgrundKvinnorMänTotaltRangKommunProcent (%)RangKommunProcent (%)RangKommunProcent (%)2018201720182017201820172018201720182017201820171(1)Botkyrka59,1(58,3)1(1)Botkyrka59,6(58,8)1(1)Botkyrka59,3(58,6)2(2)...
Vad kan vi enas om kring problem med klimatförändringar? –
Liten elmotor gör din cykel eldriven. Slipp köpa en elcykel | Tjock / Garaget
Om du redan har en cykel du gillar kan det kännas lite overkill att köpa ytterligare en bara för att du vill ha lite hjälp av en elmotor. Det har ett par tillverkare fattat och därför presenterat elmotorer i olika utföranden som du hänger på din vanl...
Control Systems are Ubiquitous (2016) | IEEE Control Systems Society
Anxiety & Skipped Heart Beats! (Are they Serious?) - YouTube
Here is discuss anxiety and skipped heart beats! Are they common or serious with anxiety! If anxiety alone is causing you to have skipped heart beats, than w...
Välkommen | osterlenhonung
Härlig krämig honung från vackra Österlen. Här hittar ni information om våra produkter & tjänster. Är ni intresserade av att köpa vår Sort honung eller …
Roger G. Koppl Department of Economics friedrich hayek - Sök på Google
Helmuth Sørensen Nyborg
Gammalt och nytt: En mans åldrar
Krav och regler- Myndigheten för press, radio och tv
Chain Length Calculator for Bicycles | Guide: How to Replace a Chain
Calculator to determine the correct bike chain length. Includes instructions on how to change and care for your chain properly and check for chain wear.
Intercostal Muscle Strain: Symptoms, Treatment, and More
Your intercostal muscles lie between your ribs, attaching them to one another. An intercostal muscle strain occurs when this muscle is stretched, pulled, or partially torn. Muscle strains are common causes of chest pain and this type can cause pain and difficulty breathing. Learn how to identify this strain.
Separating Truth and Misinformation in U.S. Climate Data (Guest: Bob Tisdale) | Watts Up With That?
Audio podcast follows. Bob Tisdale, author of “Extremes and Averages in Contiguous U.S. Climate: Graphs of 100 Years of NOAA Contiguous U.S. Climate Data” joins Anthony Watts on the show. Tisdale talks about the politicization of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and why the IPCC’s reports are rife with misinformation. Bob Tisdale points…
Discovery Park Distinguished Lecture Series Steve Koonin April 16, 2019 - YouTube
Certainties and uncertainties in ourenergy and climate futures Steven Koonin Founding Director, NYU Center for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP) Professor of...
Honungsmarknaden i Sverige - PDF
Maria Dahlqvist, Viktor Johnsson, Lotta Rydberg, Honungsmarknaden i Sverige Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Uppsala Grupp 5 Projektarbete
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Petersborgs Gårdsbutik » Österlen
Här på Petersborgs gård på Österlen odlar vi och tillverkar en äkta skånsk senap som vi säljer i gårdsbutiken. Kom och smaka på vår senap!
New Empiricism: Perceiving perception and seeing seeing
Kringla - Riksantikvarieämbetet
El Niño and La Niña Years and Intensities
Efter skadan – UFC-svensken tvingas till sex månaders vila | SVT Sport
MMA-fajtern Jack Hermansson, 29, skadade sig i sin senaste match och beskrev smärtan som den värsta han varit med om. Efter läkarundersökningar står det nu klart att han tvingas vila i sex månader. – Ett revben hade lossnat helt från broskdelen och det kändes som att det flöt runt i ena änden, säger han till SVT Sport.
Sensory adaptation | Processing the Environment | MCAT | Khan Academy - YouTube
Created by Carole Yue. Watch the next lesson:
Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin, Endorphin (#2 of 7) - YouTube
This episode of You Have Power Over Your Happy Brain Chemicals describes the special job of each happy chemical in the state of nature, and why these chemica...
Real Time Lightning Map ::
See lightning strikes in real time across the planet. Free access to maps of former thunderstorms. By and contributors.
The interoceptive turn is maturing as a rich science of selfhood | Aeon Essays
The science of how we sense ourselves from within, including our bodily states, is creating a radical picture of selfhood
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Introduction to climate dynamics and climate modelling - Welcome Page
Webvision – The Organization of the Retina and Visual System
Bjorn Merker's research works | Kristianstad University, Kristianstad (HKR) and other places
Bjorn Merker's 29 research works with 844 citations and 2,331 reads, including: Cortical Gamma Oscillations: Details of Their Genesis Preclude a Role in Cognition
A hundred years of consciousness: “a long training in absurdity”
Neural coding - Wikipedia
Big Ideas in Cognitive Neuroscience, CNS 2017: Charles R Gallistel (with session intro) - YouTube
Charles R. Gallistel (Rutgers University) discusses how the brain processes information, comparing memory to code. March 25, 2017, Cognitive Neuroscience Soc...
Facklitteratur: Pentti Linkola: Hatretorik före internet
Pentti Linkola har varit något av en kultfigur och recensenten Camilla Berggren är lättad över att hans storhetstid inföll före internet och social medier.
Gammal fascism i nya gröna kläder
Två terrorattacker i ekofascismens namn – bara i år. Extremhögern har upptäckt att det går att kapitalisera på klimatoron.
Research, Innovation and future of ICT - Paul Fmj Verschure - Univ. Pompeu Fabra :: Research, Innovation and future of ICT :: Seminari :: Categorie :: Mediateca - Università di Pisa
<p> <span style="font-size: 12.96px;">Research, Innovation and future of ICT -&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12.96px;">Paul Fmj Verschure -&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12.96px;">Univ. Pompeu Fabra -&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 12.96px;">Pisa 16 novembre 2018</span></p> - Mediateca - Università di Pisa
Sorting out dopamine's role in reward — Neuroscientifically Challenged
Välfärdens finansiering och fördelning |
Från Sverige till Absurdistan | Ingrid Carlqvist - YouTube
Olle Adolphson sjunger Trubbel.
The Orbitofrontal Oracle: Cortical Mechanisms for the Prediction and Evaluation of Specific Behavioral Outcomes - ScienceDirect
Regeringens proposition om enerighushållningen m.m. Proposition 1975:30 - Riksdagen
Why we love, why we cheat | Helen Fisher - YouTube Anthropologist Helen Fisher takes on a tricky topic -- love - and explains its evolution, its biochemical foundations and its social impor...
Fatal Flaw In Climate Change Science - YouTube
We must stop pollution for reasons of biosphere toxicity, NOT because of climate change. The TSI model of solar forcing ignores nearly all climate forcing as...
Detection of a Climate Change Signal in Extreme Heat, Heat Stress, and Cold in Europe From Observations - Lorenz - 2019 - Geophysical Research Letters - Wiley Online Library
Abstract In the last two decades Europe experienced a series of high‐impact heat extremes. We here assess observed trends in temperature extremes at ECA&D stations in Europe. We demonstrate that on...
Europe - Open Society Foundations
From Brussels to the Balkans, the Open Society Foundations are actively engaged in supporting an inclusive and democratic vision of Europe—building on George Soros’s early commitments to the region after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Filip, 13 år. Flytta är bästa lösningen, sa polisen. Polisanmäl inte, sa BUP - YouTube
Panikslagen ringer Filip, 13, från skolan: ”De är här!” Flytta är bästa lösningen, sa polisen. Polisanmäl inte, sa BUP. Det är fel. Historien om familjen som...
Dr Willie Soon demolishes the extreme weather panic and other hysterical arguments - YouTube
VÄNSTERPARTIET har ett växande väljarstöd. Med avstamp i detta presenterar jag partiets historia, nutid och framtidsvision - och förklarar varför en röst på ...
Red-Green & Blue-Yellow: The Stunning Colors You Can't See | Live Science
Vision research over the past 30 years has gradually proven that forbidden colors — reddish green and yellowish blue — are real, though some scientists still don't believe it.
Mary's Room: A philosophical thought experiment - Eleanor Nelsen - YouTube
View full lesson: Imagine a neuroscientist who has only ever seen bla...
Brain Science Podcast
Brain Science Podcast
Propagation of Error and the Reliability of Global Air Temperature Projections, Mark II. | Watts Up With That?
utjämning Kommunalråd utan ansvar
Sammanfattning Varje år omsätter Sveriges kommuner ungefär 500 miljarder kronor. De har ett stort ansvar för landets utmaningar: skola, bostäder, jobb och
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Why a new paper does not provide evidence of an increased CO2 greenhouse effect
Opinion | The Problem With Greta Thunberg’s Climate Activism - The New York Times
Her radical approach is at odds with democracy.
Sankt Olofsleden, Sankt Olofs kyrka - Östra Vemmerlövs kyrka • Pilgrimsled » Paxwalk
Söderut mot Östra Vemmerlöv, ca 13 km.
Åke Ortmark: Stridbar i Hedenius anda | Fri Tanke
Time series of atmospheric values from Tasiilaq meteorological station,... | Download Scientific Diagram
Download scientific diagram | Time series of atmospheric values from Tasiilaq meteorological station, Sermilik Fjord surface runoff, and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) for 1900–2008: (a) MAAT anomaly and 10 yr running average; (b) annual corrected precipitation anomaly and 10 yr running average; (c) annual simulated surface runoff anomaly and 10 yr running average; and (d) smoothed and unsmoothed AMO (. The baselines time period of the anomalies are 1900–2008. Precipitation was corrected after Allerup et al. (1998, 2000)  from publication: Climate-driven fluctuations in freshwater to Sermilik Fjord, East Greenland, during the last 4000 years | Greenland, Estuaries and Freshwater | ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists.
Climate Change: What Do Scientists Say? - YouTube
After such a long spell of cold, wet weather, is it time for the scientists to admit that the drastic temperature rises they predicted have failed to materia...
Remote Sensing | Free Full-Text | Decadal Changes of the Reflected Solar Radiation and the Earth Energy Imbalance | HTML
Decadal changes of the Reflected Solar Radiation (RSR) as measured by CERES from 2000 to 2018 are analysed. For both polar regions, changes of the clear-sky RSR correlate well with changes of the Sea Ice Extent. In the Arctic, sea ice is clearly melting, and as a result the earth is becoming darker under clear-sky conditions. However, the correlation between the global all-sky RSR and the polar clear-sky RSR changes is low. Moreover, the RSR and the Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) changes are negatively correlated, so they partly cancel each other. The increase of the OLR is higher then the decrease of the RSR. Also the incoming solar radiation is decreasing. As a result, over the 2000&ndash;2018 period the Earth Energy Imbalance (EEI) appears to have a downward trend of &minus;0.16 &plusmn; 0.11 W/m2dec. The EEI trend agrees with a trend of the Ocean Heat Content Time Derivative of &minus;0.26 &plusmn; 0.06 (1 &sigma; ) W/m2dec.
Bill Gray: H20 is Climate Control Knob, not CO2 | Science Matters
Dr. William Gray made a compelling case for H2O as the climate thermostat, prior to his death in 2016.  Thanks to GWPF for publishing posthumously Bill Gray's understanding of global warming/climate change.  The paper was compiled at his request, completed and now available as Flaws in applying greenhouse warming to Climate Variability This post provides some excerpts…
Why Reanalysis Data Isn't … | Watts Up With That?
Carlin Economics and Science » Both Sides Ignore the Major Finding of Recent Climate Research
Carlin Economics and Science » Second Edition of Pathbreaking Research Report Shows the Orwellian Nature of the “March for Science”
How the CERES EBAF Ed4 data disconfirms “AGW” in 3 different ways ….. « Okulær
And also how - in the process - it shows the new RSSv4 TLT series to be wrong and the UAHv6 TLT series to be right. For those of you who aren't entirely up to date with the hypothetical idea of an "(anthropogenically) enhanced GHE" (the "AGW") and its supposed mechanism for (CO2-driven) global warming,…
Why Back-Radiation is not a Source of Surface Heating « the Air Vent
A guest post by Leonard Weinstein.  The original document is here and has more legible equations. Leonard Weinstein July 18, 2012 The argument is frequently made that back radiation from optically absorbing gases heats a surface more than it would be heated without back radiation, and this is the basis of the so-called Greenhouse Effect…
Ingrid Carlgren: Alternativa fakta om skolan- om kunskapssynen och vem som är expert – Skola och Samhälle
Klimat – Maths Nilsson, författare
Det var aldrig tänkt att det här skulle bli en debattsida om klimatförändringarna men i takt med att allt obekvämt sopas under fake news-mattan numera har jag inte kunnat hålla tyst. Det har blivit några inlägg och jag tänkte därför göra en översikt här. Klimatet är för övrigt inget isolerat område för den här typen av…
Beck's historical CO2 measurements
A Climate Modeller Spills the Beans – Quadrant Online
Patalaten Chords - Ola Magnell - Guitar Chords, Transposed 5 Semitones Up
Patalaten Chords by Ola Magnell with guitar chords and tabs. Best version of Patalaten Chords available. Transposed 5 Semitones Up.
CO2, Temperatures, and Ice Ages | Watts Up With That?
tord lyseving - Sök på Google
Types of Agnosias
Language: Its Nature Development And Origin, by Otto Jespersen—The Project Gutenberg eBook
Den falska höger-vänster skalan - Morgonbladet
Socialismens dominans i Sverige är ett fenomen som vi aldrig kan reflektera för mycket över. Hur kommer det sig att en variant av kollektivism/socialism alltid tycks bli utfallet för svensk politik? Morgonbladets André Juthe ger sin hypotes om vad som kan vara en del av svaret.
Granskning: Varför kommunism, islamism, nazism, och fascism är samma andas barn - Morgonbladet
Morgonbladets André Juthe visar i denna analys att samtliga av de genom tiderna värsta mördarideologier har samma ideologiska rot. Här förklaras vad som är väsentligt och gemensamt för kommunism, islamism, nazism och fascism. Artikeln är obligatorisk läsning för den som vill förstå sin samtid.
Limitations on Anthropogenic Global Warming weinstein
I was going to work on replicating the EIV reconstruction for Mann08 but ended up watching a hockey game at someone elses place so Mann gets another days repreive. Tonight I have a guest post by Dr. Leonard Weinstein senior research scientist from Nasa. Dr. Weinstein left a link on one of my threads and…
IPCC has used as radiative forcing value for carbon dioxide (CO2) the equation introduced by Myhre et al. in 1998 even in its latest report AR5. The formula of
Någon annan betalar | En film om slöseri med dina skattepengar - YouTube
Någon annan betalar är en film om slöseri med dina skattepengar. Dokumentären är finansierad med frivilliga bidrag, och baserad på boken 365 sätt att slösa m...
∆C14 och bombprovskurvan - Klimatupplysningen
Lektion : Fossil förutspår framtida klimatförändringar |
Human CO2 Emissions Have Little Effect on Atmospheric CO2 -
Vem är expert och vem är amatör i klimatdebatten? - Klimatupplysningen
Carbon cycle modelling
Revellefaktorn, lika viktig som klimatkänsligheten - Klimatupplysningen
What does the Laplace Transform really tell us? A visual explanation (plus applications) - YouTube
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Climate Science Blind Spot – Evaporation Cooling -
Pugh Rogefeldts låtar med ackord
Den här sidan innehåller texter och ackord till många av Pugh Rogefeldts låtar. T.ex. Surabaya Johnny, Här kommer natten, Love love love, Jag är en liten pojk, Flickornas Laban, Dinga linga Lena, Ett hjärta av guld, Ett steg till, Finns det lite stolthet kvar finns det också hopp om bättring, Haru vart på cirkus, Kärlekens träd, Mitt bästa för dig, Små lätta moln, Spårljus, Storseglet, Vandrar i ett regn, Visan om Bo, Välkommen hem
Is climate change an “existential threat” — or just a catastrophic one? - Vox
The debate over whether climate change will end life on Earth, explained.
Lilla saltsjöbadsavtalet 2av3 - YouTube
Sleepy Bulldog
Fruktig, kryddig smak med tydlig beska, inslag av russin, knäck, vörtbröd, apelsinskal och kakao. Serveras vid 10-12°C som sällskapsdryck eller till rätter av mörkt kött.
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Mumma med gin, kardemumma, julöl, porter och sockerdricka. En stark och smakrik julmumma.
Hur värderar man en aktie? (Så här enkelt är det) | Analysera ett bolag | Samuelssons Rapport
Arguments from Global Warming Skeptics and what the science really says
Examines the science and arguments of global warming skepticism. Common objections like 'global warming is caused by the sun', 'temperature has changed naturally in the past' or 'other planets are warming too' are examined to see what the science really says. - Pros and Cons of Controversial Issues
Pros and cons of controversial issues. Read pro and con arguments for and against topics such as medical marijuana, euthanasia, prostitution, gun control, and more
sensitivity of Earth's climate
The equilibrium sensitivity of Earth's climate is determined as the quotient of the relaxation time constant of the system and the pertinent global heat capacity. The heat capacity of the global oc...
Loop | Bjorn Hellmut Merker
Gerald Edelman - The importance of the Neurosciences Institute (43/86) - YouTube
Dr. Gerald Edelman, Nobel Prize winner in Medicine, Founder and Director of the Neurosciences Institute and Chair of Neurobiology at the Scripps Research Ins...
Ängarnas vals Chords - Chordify
Chords for Ängarnas vals.: D, G, C, Am. Play along with guitar, ukulele, or piano with interactive chords and diagrams. Includes transpose, capo hints, changing speed and much more.
Richard Feynman: Knowing the Name of Something
The top people in the world understand that knowing the name of something doesn't mean you understand it as Novel winner Richard Feynman explains in this article.
Gray's biopsychological theory of personality - Wikipedia
2182 kHz - Wikipedia
3. Reducing the Phenomenal – The Brains Blog
Wolfgang Schwarz :: The lure of free energy
Why people believe they can’t draw - and how to prove they can | Graham Shaw | TEDxHull - YouTube
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Recept på olgas Punsch
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Frontiers | A Framework for Intelligence and Cortical Function Based on Grid Cells in the Neocortex | Frontiers in Neural Circuits
How the neocortex works is a mystery. In this paper we propose a novel framework for understanding its function. Grid cells are neurons in the entorhinal cortex that represent the location of an animal in its environment. Recent evidence suggests that grid cell-like neurons may also be present in the neocortex. We propose that grid cells exist throughout the neocortex, in every region and in every cortical column. They define a location-based framework for how the neocortex functions. Whereas grid cells in the entorhinal cortex represent the location of one thing, the body relative to its environment, we propose that cortical grid cells simultaneously represent the location of many things. Cortical columns in somatosensory cortex track the location of tactile features relative to the object being touched and cortical columns in visual cortex track the location of visual features relative to the object being viewed. We propose that mechanisms in the entorhinal cortex and hippocampus that evolved for learning the structure of environments are now used by the neocortex to learn the structure of objects. Having a representation of location in each cortical column suggests mechanisms for how the neocortex represents object compositionality and object behaviors. It leads to the hypothesis that every part of the neocortex learns complete models of objects and that there are many models of each object distributed throughout the neocortex. The similarity of circuitry observed in al...
There Is No Such Thing as Conscious Thought - Scientific American carruthers
Scientific American is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understanding of the world and shape our lives.
Euthanasia and assisted dying rates are soaring. But where are they legal? | News | The Guardian
It is available in a growing number of countries – but not the UK, where remains outlawed
Sarco Presentation Video – Sarco
There’s no allocentric maps in brains
In the early 1980s, the psychologist Harry Heft put a 16 mm camera in the back of a sports car and made a movie. It consisted of a&#8230;
"Doctor Death" visiting Helsinki estimates that Finland could become the next country to die from all over the world - Teller Report
Former doctor Philip Nitschke, who is campaigning for euthanasia and assisted suicide, strongly believes that the opportunity to decide his own death is a human right for everyone.
Brännvinskryddor | Produktkategorier | Österlenkryddor
Escaping the Local Optimum of Low Expectation - YouTube
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ashby good regulator explanation
"Every good key must be a model of the lock it opens." That sentence states an obvious fact, but perhaps also a profound insight if we interpret it generally enough. That sentence is also the title of a paper: • Daniel L. Scholten, Every good key must be a model of the lock it opens…
What if consciousness is just a product of our non-conscious brain?
If consciousness is a by-product of our brains' nonconscious processes, where does that leave us? - Orders - Strada: intro
Velomobiel Quest en Wim Schermer: Stormstrip zoals ie moet zijn
John Ryon Obituary - Lynchburg, VA
Celebrate the life of John Ryon, leave a kind word or memory and get funeral service information care of Whitten Timberlake Chapel.
Self Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain - YouTube
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Satellitkarta över 29731 Degeberga -
Detaljerad satellitkarta över 29731 Degeberga. Upptäck Sverige sett från rymden med
Jonas Wahlman (35 år) Degeberga | Ratsit
Född 6 juli, 1984 - Jonas är gift och skriven i villa/radhus på Degedalsvägen 5. Patricia Gerdes är även skriven här. Jonas har inga bolagsengagemang. På Ratsit hittar du senast uppdaterade ✓ Telefonnummer ✓ Adresser ✓ Personnummer ✓ Inkomster och mycket mer för alla personer i Sverige.
Peter Zapffe points out our self destruction | the Southern
Depressive Realism: Interdisciplinary perspectives - Colin Feltham - Google Böcker
Depressive Realism argues that people with mild-to-moderate depression have a more accurate perception of reality than non-depressives. Depressive realism is a worldview of human existence that is essentially negative, and which challenges assumptions about the value of life and the institutions claiming to answer life’s problems. Drawing from central observations from various disciplines, this book argues that a radical honesty about human suffering might initiate wholly new ways of thinking, in everyday life and in clinical practice for mental health, as well as in academia. Divided into sections that reflect depressive realism as a worldview spanning all academic disciplines, chapters provide examples from psychology, psychotherapy, philosophy and more to suggest ways in which depressive realism can critique each discipline and academia overall. This book challenges the tacit hegemony of contemporary positive thinking, as well as the standard assumption in cognitive behavioural therapy that depressed individuals must have cognitive distortions. It also appeals to the utility of depressive realism for its insights, its pursuit of truth, as well its emphasis on the importance of learning from negativity and failure. Arguments against depressive realism are also explored. This book makes an important contribution to our understanding of depressive realism within an interdisciplinary context. It will be of key interest to academics, researchers and postgraduates in the fields of psychology, mental health, psychotherapy, history and philosophy. It will also be of great interest to psychologists, psychotherapists and counsellors.
Trauma and the Triune Brain - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
A simple model of the human brain is to envision it as three separate brains (the triune brain); each with its own separate functions and sense of time.
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Kamrem till MAZDA 323 III Kombi (BW) 1.6L Bensin 63 KW ✅ Fri frakt och Prisgaranti ➤ Jättestort urval från många tillverkare av reservdelar
Vad är medvetandet? - YouTube
Det är ingen som vet vad medvetandet är, men om vi tittar på vilken konkret nytta det har för oss, så hjälper det oss att fatta beslut, att vara flexibla och...
Fascism - New Discourses
This entry in 'Translations from the Wokish' is an explanation of the term "Fascism."
Frontiers | “I” and “Me”: The Self in the Context of Consciousness | Psychology
James (1890) distinguished two understandings of the self, the self as “Me” and the self as “I”. This distinction has recently regained popularity in cognitive science, especially in the context of experimental studies on the underpinnings of the phenomenal self. The goal of this paper is to take a step back from cognitive science and attempt to precisely distinguish between “Me” and “I” in the context of consciousness. This distinction was originally based on the idea that the former (“Me”) corresponds to the self as an object of experience (self as object), while the latter (“I”) reflects the self as a subject of experience (self as subject). I will argue that in most of the cases (arguably all) this distinction maps onto the distinction between the phenomenal self (reflecting self-related content of consciousness) and the metaphysical self (representing the problem of subjectivity of all conscious experience), and as such these two issues should be investigated separately using fundamentally different methodologies. Moreover, by referring to Metzinger’s (2018) theory of phenomenal self-models, I will argue that what is usually investigated as the phenomenal-“I” [following understanding of self-as-subject introduced by Wittgenstein (1958)] can be interpreted as object, rather than subject of experience, and as such can be understood as an element of the hierarchical structure of the phenomenal self-model. This understanding relates to recent predictive coding and free en...
Dragkrok och elsats till MAZDA 2 2015»
Köp dragkrok och elsats till MAZDA 2 - Välj fast eller avtagbar dragkrok - Montera själv eller låt oss montera åt dig
Redefining the role of limbic areas in cortical processing
Köp Bergamont Grandurance RD 5 - 12 995:-
&Auml;r du en &auml;ventyrlig fartd&aring;re som vill kunna pendla, tr&auml;na samt korsa kontinenter p&aring; en och samma hoj s&aring; &auml;r Bergamont Grandurance RD 5 ett smart alternativ.&nbsp;Vilken kategori faller den under... gravel, allround, en
Propofol as a Widely Used Anesthetic – Emery Brown / Serious Science - YouTube
General anesthesia is a drug-induced, reversible condition involving unconsciousness, amnesia (loss of memory), analgesia (loss of pain sensation), akinesia ...
How to Be 80 Year Old and Have a VO2max of a 35 Year Old
<i>Background</i>. To discuss the cardiovascular and pulmonary physiology and common risk factors of an 80-year-old man with a world record maximal oxygen uptake of 50&#x2009;mL&#xB7;kg<sup>&#x2212;1</sup>&#xB7;min<sup>&#x2212;1</sup>. <i>Methods</i>. Case report. <i>Results</i>. His maximal oxygen uptake of 3.31&#x2009;L&#xB7;min<sup>&#x2212;1</sup>, maximal heart rate of 175&#x2009;beats&#xB7;min<sup>&#x2212;1</sup>, and maximal oxygen pulse of 19&#x2009;mL&#xB7;beats<sup>&#x2212;1</sup> are high. He is lean (66.6&#x2009;kg) and muscular (49&#x25; skeletal muscle mass). His echo parameters of mitral flow (left ventricular filling, <i>E</i> = 82&#x2009;cm&#xB7;s<sup>&#x2212;1</sup> and <i>E/A</i> = 1.2) were normal for 40- to 60-year-old men. Systolic and diastolic function increased adequately during exercise, with no increase in left ventricular filling pressure. He has excellent pulmonary function (FVC = 4.31&#x2009;L, FEV1 = 3.41, FEV1/FVC = 0.79, and DLCO = 12.0&#x2009;Si<sup>1</sup>) and normal FMD and blood volumes (5.8&#x2009;L). He has a high level of daily activity (10,900&#x2009;steps&#xB7;day<sup>&#x2212;1</sup> and 2:51&#x2009;hours&#xB7;day<sup>&#x2212;1</sup> of physical activity) and a lifelong history of physical activity. <i>Conclusion</i>. The man is in excellent cardiopulmonary fitness and is highly physically active. His cardiac and pulmonary functions are above expectations for his age, and his V<svg xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="" style="vertical-align:-3.40876pt" id="M1" height="12.5291pt" version="1.1" viewBox="-0.0498162 -9.12034 31.6224 12.5291" width="31.6224pt"><g transform="matrix(.0135,0,0,-0.0135,0,0)"><path id="g190-80" d="M381 665C170 665 44 498 44 318C44 125 188 -15 369 -15C552 -15 703 117 703 333C703 534 550 665 381 665ZM359 629C491 629 601 517 601 306C601 114 502 21 390 21C249 21 146 158 146 346S248 629 359 629Z"/></g><g transform="matrix(.0095,0,0,-0.0095,10.158,3.264)"><path id="g190-243" d="M411 139C381 76 368 73 314 73H129L267 224C351 317 400 380 400 469C400 574 322 635 233 635C176 635 128 610 98 576L40 495L63 476C89 515 130 568 198 568C274 568 316 519 316 436C316 347 251 264 191 192C142 134 85 76 30 21V0H403C415 45 425 89 438 131L411 139Z"/></g><g transform="matrix(.0095,0,0,-0.0095,14.568,3.264)"><path id="g190-110" d="M797 0V26C739 32 732 36 732 103V296C732 394 682 449 605 449C576 449 550 437 529 423C504 407 475 389 446 366C425 418 382 449 334 449C303 449 279 437 253 421C222 403 201 385 180 371V452C135 432 85 419 41 411V388C99 379 102 374 102 310V103C102 38 93 32 27 26V0H238V26C189 32 180 38 180 103V338C210 363 250 390 289 390C351 390 377 348 377 275V103C377 37 368 32 306 26V0H520V26C465 32 456 38 456 101V296C456 314 455 326 453 338C491 369 529 390 565 390C628 390 653 345 653 274V107C653 36 642 32 583 26V0H797Z"/></g><g transform="matrix(.0095,0,0,-0.0095,22.307,3.264)"><path id="g190-98" d="M433 39L423 65C413 59 399 54 387 54C370 54 352 69 352 114V299C352 352 342 392 307 422C285 440 255 449 225 449C168 437 102 399 75 379C56 365 44 353 44 339C44 315 69 296 87 296C101 296 111 303 116 319C124 349 133 371 145 385C156 397 171 404 190 404C241 404 275 364 275 291V274C253 256 180 229 120 209C65 190 39 159 39 110C39 47 88 -12 159 -12C189 -12 237 25 277 52C282 35 288 21 301 8C312 -3 333 -12 348 -12L433 39ZM275 84C256 65 221 48 195 48C164 48 124 73 124 124C124 161 146 180 185 198C206 208 254 229 275 240V84Z"/></g><g transform="matrix(.0095,0,0,-0.0095,26.47,3.264)"><path id="g190-121" d="M474 0V26C414 34 401 43 364 100L267 248C300 297 324 332 345 358C381 400 394 405 455 411V437H272V411C316 406 323 401 305 370C287 337 267 306 247 276L188 369C169 397 173 405 215 411V437H16V411C71 404 83 396 114 348L201 212C171 167 144 127 116 92C77 42 66 34 4 26V0H190V26C139 34 136 43 156 77C175 113 198 150 220 183L294 66C311 39 302 31 260 26V0H474Z"/></g></svg> is comparable to that of an inactive 25-year-old and of a normal, active 35-year-old Norwegian man.
skillnaden mellan homomorfism och isomorfism
Slå upp exekutiv funktion på Psykologiguiden i Natur & Kulturs Psykologilexikon
Psi-theory - Wikipedia
Brain implant allows man to hear colour - World's Weirdest Events: Episode 6 Preview - BBC Two - YouTube
¿Puede que el origen de los números actuales se encuentre en las estrellas? Aunque el mundo está fabricado en base diez, todavía tenemos relojes de doce hora...
The Contribution of Prefrontal Executive Processes to Creating a Sense of Self
How, Exactly, Do Our Brains Construct Reality? | Literary Hub
In order to tell the story of your life, your brain needs to conjure up a world for you to live inside, with all its colors and movements and objects and sounds
How does the cortex construct color?
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Med Gångsingel Tvättad 4-12 Säckad ger du hem och trädgård ett lyft. Vi erbjuder ett brett utbud och har stora lagersaldon. Beställ redan idag.
Making Sense of Behavior - William T. Powers – Josh Kaufman
People aren’t behavioristic stimulus-response machines: our behavior is far more complex because desires and perceptions constantly shape our behavior.
Satsdelarna – en grundläggande översikt |
Lär dig satsdelarna på ett enkelt och snabbt sätt. Bra förklaringar och många exempel som klargör våra svenska satsdelar.
Game of Trades - YouTube
TradingView: “Game of Trades Go-to charting platform” 📈 ETORO: “0% commission Trading” 🌍 M1 F...
P1 | Sveriges Radio
Sveriges Radio ger dig nyheter, program och poddar i allmänhetens tjänst. Lyssna direkt på P1, P2, P3, eller P4 med 26 lokala kanaler. Håll dig uppdaterad ...
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M&aring;ngsidig, smidig, kapabel landsv&auml;gshoj som &auml;lskar l&aring;nga distanser&nbsp;&Auml;r du p&aring; jakt efter en m&aring;ngsidig racercykel s&aring; &auml;r den komfortabla Trek Domane AL 3 Disc ett riktigt smart alternativ. Den utg&aring;r
Analog Computing - past, present, future? - CERN Document Server
<!--HTML--><p>As classic stored-program digital computers are reaching physical and practical limits with respect to clock frequency, integration density, and suffer from problems like Amdahl's law, unconventional approaches to high-speed and/or high-energy-efficient computing can offer a path to more computing power at lower power consumption.One of these approaches are analog computers which solve problems by means of analog electronic models of the underlying mathematical equations. Largely forgotten since the late 1970s, analog computers are about to return in the form of fully reconfigurable integrated circuits. Coupling these with traditional digital computers yields so-called hybrid computers which combine the best of two worlds, the programmability and vast program libraries available for digital computers as well as the high performance and low power consumption of analog computers. This talk briefly covers the history of analog computing, gives examples of current applications and future developments.</p> <p><strong>About the speaker</strong></p> <p>Bernd Ulmann is a professor for business computer science at the <a href="" target="_blank">FOM University of Applied Sciences</a> in Frankfurt/Germany. He studied mathematics and philosophy at the university of Mainz, He received his PHD at the university of Hamburg for a thesis about history and technology of analog computing.</p> <p>Since 2000 he maintains a museum with mainframes and a world-wide unique collection of analog computers in Germany. He recently presented the on-board control system for the german A4/V2 rocket and Helmut Hoelzer's first general purpose analog computer at the NASA Apollo 11 50th anniversary in Huntsville.</p> <p>Bernd Ulmann is author of several books in the field of analog computing. In 1999 he founded the company Raven Technology GmbH - today incorporating the team of Analog Paradigm (, which is developing and selling analog and hybrid computers.</p> <p>Today he is one of few world-wide renowned experts for analog computing technology.</p> Ulmann, Bernd
What is a Complex System? - YouTube
Take the full course: Follow along with the eBook: Twitter: Li...
298 questions with answers in CONSCIOUSNESS | Science topic
Sense of awareness of self and of the environment. | Review and cite CONSCIOUSNESS protocol, troubleshooting and other methodology information | Contact experts in CONSCIOUSNESS to get answers
Frontiers | Structural qualia: a solution to the hard problem of consciousness | Psychology
The hard problem of consciousness has been often claimed to be unsolvable by the methods of traditional empirical sciences. It has been argued that all the objects of empirical sciences can be fully analyzed in structural terms but that consciousness is (or has) something over and above its structure. However, modern neuroscience has introduced a theoretical framework in which also the apparently non-structural aspects of consciousness, namely the so called qualia or qualitative properties, can be analyzed in structural terms. That framework allows us to see qualia as something compositional with internal structures that fully determine their qualitative nature. Moreover, those internal structures can be identified which certain neural patterns. Thus consciousness as a whole can be seen as a complex neural pattern that misperceives some of its own highly complex structural properties as monadic and qualitative. Such neural pattern is analyzable in fully structural terms and thereby the hard problem is solved.
How to understand cells, tissues and organisms as agents with agendas | Aeon Essays
Biology’s next great horizon is to understand cells, tissues and organisms as agents with agendas (even if unthinking ones)
8mm Ösen von Prym | Nähfreie Ösen mit Scheiben aus Messing - YouTube
► 8mm Ösen von Prym √ Nähfreie Ösen mit Scheiben aus Messing √ #Prym - euer Spezialist fürs Nähen, Stricken und kreatives Werkeln. Abonniere unseren Kanal ► ...
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Handskar för alpina sporter, friluftsliv, klättring, ridning, vedhuggning & mycket mer! ✓Hestras 3-lager system håller händerna varma & torra oavsett väder
Garmin Foretrex 601 GPS-klocka, vandring 2 tum | Billig
Köp billigt Garmin Foretrex 601 GPS-klocka, vandring 2 tum från <p>till specialpris</p> Garmin. Snabb leverans
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The purpose of emotion: An overlooked self-regulatory sense - Research Outreach
Katherine Peil-Kauffman’s work investigates the biological function of emotion; offering pragmatic enhancements to theories of human nature.
Godmorgon världen | Sveriges Radio
Sveriges Radio ger dig nyheter, program och poddar i allmänhetens tjänst. Lyssna direkt på P1, P2, P3, eller P4 med 26 lokala kanaler. Håll dig uppdaterad ...
A tough Lesson.... - YouTube
Reviewing damages to me and the velomobile, from our crash at 40 mph. Created with Wondershare Filmora
Getting in and out of a WAW and a Milan GT velomobile on Vimeo
Side by side comparison of the entry area on 2 velomobiles: a WAW and a Milan GT. Interior rider room, entry & exit.
5 methods to combine audio files in Windows 10
If you want to combine different audio files and create new sounds, there are 5 methods that you can use on your Windows 10 computer.
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Active Tracing - Sändningsdetaljer
Sci-Hub: removing barriers in the way of science
The first pirate website in the world to open mass and public access to tens of millions research papers
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Getting in and out of a Quest velomobile - YouTube
It may look hard to do, but it is not. Just place your buttocks on the rear of the hole. Lift your legs over the side and slide in. As you can see ... I am t...
m/s estonia | Bokbörsen
Här finns så gott som allt som givits ut på den svenska bokmarknaden under de senaste hundra åren.
10 Best Neck Exercises for Neck Pain Relief – Ask Doctor Jo - YouTube
Neck exercises can help prevent neck pain by strengthening the neck muscles, which can help prevent neck injuries. When our neck muscles are weak, they can p...
Getting In and Out of the WAW velomobile on Vimeo
Some people have asked how to get in or out, so here it is!
Susan Hurley
Incorrigibility - Wikipedia
LOVING HER WAS EASIER CHORDS by Kris Kristofferson @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com
Loving Her Was Easier - Kris Kristofferson Capo: 2 [Verse 1] C/G F C/G I have seen the morning burning golden on the mountain in the skies F C/G Aching with the feeling of the freedom of an
Xanté Poire au Cognac | Systembolaget
Fruktig, söt smak med tydlig karaktär av päron. Ton av cognac.
Becherovka – Wikipedia
Quest xs velomobile ( just bought it) - YouTube
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
Erövringen - Muslimska Brödraskapets infiltration av Sverige - Sameh Egyptson - Häftad (9789151963761) | Bokus
Pris: 339 kr. Häftad, 2020. Skickas inom 3-6 vardagar. Köp Erövringen - Muslimska Brödraskapets infiltration av Sverige av Sameh Egyptson på Boken har 4 st läsarrecensioner.
Nokian, Hakkapeliitta W240, 47-559 mm, 26x1.9 Tum -
Nokian, Hakkapeliitta W240, 47-559 mm, 26x1.9 Tum
Constants of Nature -The Royal Road to Fundmental Physics - YouTube
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
Köp Sika Lim, SikaBond AT-Universal, vit, 300 ml hos Verktygsboden.
Köp Sika Lim, SikaBond AT-Universal, vit, 300 ml på Verktygsboden. - Hög kvalitét - Bra priser - Både för hemmabruk och proffs
The Object Of Objective Reality: Some Notes On Donald Hoffman | IDEAS ON IDEAS
Objective reality can in fact be explained fairly easily, if only words and definitions are used appropriately.
Delight, desire and dread: Generators in the brain - CornellCast
Kent C. Berridge, James Olds Collegiate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Michigan, discusses how the brain reward system can be split into liking, wanting, and learning components, and how these mechanisms are related to addiction and emotion.
Interaktiv karta -
Detaljerad karta. Navigering med vägbeskrivning, sevärdheter över hela Sverige med
Treriksrö - Allt du behöver veta om denna trelandspunkt!
Allt du behöver veta om Treriksröset: Vandring, boende och tips.
Kassan - Kartkungen
Wikiloc | Kilpisjärvi- Treriksröset Trail
Kilpisjärvi- Treriksröset Hiking trail in Kilpisjärvi, Lappi (Suomi). Download its GPS track and follow the itinerary on a map. Hike on Nordkalottleden from the parking close to Kilpisjärvi to the three country cairn. Close to the cairn there is an open hut on the finnish side of the border.
Begagnad 2017 Mazda MX5 2.0 Benzin 160 HK (249 000 kr) | 58277 LINKÖPING | AutoUncle
249 000 kr Värderad som 'Dyr' av AutoUncle. Få en överblick över alla begagnade Mazda till salu och hitta de billigaste bilarna.
Behave sapolsky - Böcker | Bokus bokhandel
Köp böcker som matchar sökning 'behave sapolsky':
Daniel Everett, "Homo Erectus and the Invention of Human Language" - YouTube
HARVARD SCIENCE BOOK TALKDaniel L. Everett is the dean of arts and sciences at Bentley University. He has published more than one hundred articles and twelve...
The Source of Consciousness - with Mark Solms - YouTube
Nobel Laureate Sir Paul Nurse joins Brian Greene for a conversation about the fundamental ideas in biology explored in his new book, What Is Life? Five Great...
En formel för medvetandet | Forskning & Framsteg
Giulio Tononi berättar att han bestämde sig för att försöka förstå medvetandet redan när han gick i gymnasiet i den norditalienska staden Trento.– Det var för att jag var intresserad av etik. Medvetna upplevelser är viktiga i etiska frågor.Han är klädd helt i svart och ser koncentrerad ut. Vi ses på en konferensanläggning utanför Köpenhamn under ett forskarmöte om hjärnan. Ett
Retromoped Stummis 1137 säljes i Simrishamn - Blocket
9500 kr - Mopeder - Simrishamn - Moped "Stummis" 1137 med den ovanliga cylindern Kyrkportaren med original 14 mm:s insug. Renoverad i motor. Finns i Hammenh...